Effective bad news emails need to be well planned out. Components of direct bad news messages should include a buffer statement, then the individual needs to deliver the bad news, provide a rationale, explain the impacts, focus on the future, and show goodwill to the recipient of the email. In the case of Nick Jensen, he needs to develop an email that explains why the company needs to get out of the chemicals and that a layoff of ten loyal employees would be imminent with this change (Cardon, 2013). Although Mike Jenson is Nick Jensen’s uncle a professional email needs to be drafted as such: Good Morning Mr. Jenson, I know that you have put a tremendous amount of work into this company and have done a fantastic job. There are many things that are going great within the organization, but we have an issue that needs our immediate attention. I want to assure you that I have crunched the numbers numerous times before coming to this conclusion. Although I know you love having a stake in the chemical portion of the business, larger …show more content…
In looking at the numbers, we currently are seven-hundred-and forty-thousand dollars in debt that are solely related to the chemicals division. Last year alone, the chemical division lost two-hundred-thousand dollars, and these numbers are only going to get worse. I feel that it is time to sell the chemicals division; I expect that we could get around a half of a million dollars from the sell. However, with the chemical division gone, the company stands a better chance of surviving, if we do not sell then within five years at the rate we are going we will be out of business. Unfortunately, with the losses we have incurred with the chemicals division, we will have to lay-off ten loyal employees that have been employed with us for several years. I understand this will be hard for our company, but it is necessary to stay in
You have been the CEO of Middlefield Hospital for 2 1/2 years and finally resolved the workforce challenges that plagued the hospital when you first arrived. In a recent meeting, the chief financial officer (CFO) indicated that the financial performance of the hospital has been deteriorating over the last 6 months. The hospital is not meeting its budget and he is concerned about the future. The new facility across town has continued to cut into Middlefield's market share by admitting more patients. The number of admissions to Middlefield Hospital is declining each month, and
Changing the way you structure your business can be a frightening endeavor. You have been operating as a Sole Proprietorship for quite some time now, but it appears you have outgrown that business type. You have expressed a need to scale the business as well as a concern for your own personal liability. With those concerns in mind as well as the current state of your business, I recommend restructuring the business into a Limited Liability Company. I will try and address each of your concerns individually and explain how I came to this conclusion.
This company, a retail clothing store with three suburban locations in Atlanta, Georgia, is incorporated, with each of the three Boudoir sisters owning one-third of the outstanding stock. The company is profitable, but rapid growth has put it under severe financial strain. The real estate is all under mortgage to an insurance company, the inventory is being used under a blanket chattel mortgage to secure a bank line of credit, and the accounts receivable are all being factored. With total assets of $7 million, the company now needs an additional $450,000 to finance a building and fixtures for a new outlet.
In Nick Capo’s essay “Teacher”, Nick talks about how he sorted the contents of a cedar chest that sat in a bedroom corner after his father died. He goes on to tell the reader that in it, he found a fifty-year-old black notebook that contained his father’s basketball statistics and observations. He goes on to explain that in junior year of high school his father had twenty-two points against Nativity; twenty-seven points against St. Francis; and forty-one points against Regina Coeli. His father had a seventeen-and-one team record his senior year. After discussing the contents of the notebook, he goes on to explain that while growing up, he knew his father was good at basketball, and that they had spent evenings after
Until the recent year of 1987 people often saw the neolithic age as a glorious turning point that made us the great spices we are today, but Jared diamond a brilliant scientist of his age wrote an article for discover magazine called The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race by Jared diamond which presented a rare idea of the neolithic age being a mistake by our ancestors. He talked about how with agriculture came biased and disease like a real pandora's box. Disease was mostly caused by things like an unhealthy diet, and biased was caused by an unnecessary social classes. A few years ago a blogger and a supporter and student of traditional farming countered Jared diamond’s article with rage due to him believing that everyone was siding with Jared Diamond.Although his argument is sloppy and could not be called a scientific paper. Jared diamond was and is more convincing than Jim Woods in arguing that the neolithic age should be a considered a negative turning point in human history. This is because with agriculture came the faults of humanity such as racism, sexism, biased, etc., the very problems that humanity has been
(c) Robert should explain to the board of directors that the change in income is due to a reallocation and that closing the plumbing division is not advisable. In this case, being honest is not only the ethical thing to do, but it will also maximize the company’s net
Dustin Dawson was born in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. He was born into a family of five, with two older brothers one being three years older than him, and the other seven years older. Dustin claims that he is the tallest, strongest and most intelligent of the three brothers.
Biological sex is determined by chromosomes in your genes. At prenatal development, only a few weeks after conception, there is no notable difference between male and female structure until the Gonadal Ridges, the structure which develops either female or male sex organs, grows to determine the sex of the baby. All prenatal babies have genitalia that appears distinctly feminine until at three months, hormones- testosterone if the baby’s to be a boy, and oestrogen if the baby’s to be a girl- is released and the baby develops into the hormone determined gender. For these reasons it is believed that there is a direct link between chromosomes and sex, and therefore sex and
This is due to the fact that inventory and accounts receivable are left out of the equation. Based on the cash ratio, this company carries a low cash balance. This may be an indication that they are aggressively investing in assets that will provide higher returns. We need to make sure that we have enough cash to meet our obligations, but too much cash reduces the return earned by the company.
The company has been functioning well in terms of generating profit and demand so far. However, there will be a 20% increase in demand for the next month of operations as predicted by management, and the production and supply management's problems may come as a problem they can no longer afford.
In the year 2007, there is a drop in financial performance within the company. Earnings have dropped
|250000 indirect employees & 9000 vehicle for distribution). |position in profitability due to drop in prices by nearly 30% since 1950’s. |
Be Our Guest’s balance sheet shows good signs of liquidity. Current Ratios for the past four years have remained above 1 proving that the company can handle its current liabilities. The current ratios are not extremely high (19941.27, 1995- 2.17, 1996- 1.15 and 1997- 1.16), but they can cover the current liabilities. It is important to note that the company is operating on a thin line because the current assets are barely covering the current liabilities. This is particularly unpleasant because we are dealing with a company operating in a seasonal business. It is a concern that the current ratio slightly eroded after 1995, and this is primarily due to Be Our Guest converting the bank line into long term debt in
Conclusion: We should go with Option 1. While we will have to terminate employees, which will cost us $6 million, segmenting our products across under-utilized factories will increase productivity and efficiency in our product line therefore resulting in a higher NPV and future
Our choices led to a constant increase in net income over the three years. Short term debt increase by approximately 100% percent but steadily reduced over the next three years. We were happy with the positive growth of the company and the fact that we were able to pay off most of the initial short term funding required by the increase in working capital requirement. Overall the current situation of the company in 2018 is good, although the total value created is less than 20% of that created in phase 1. From this we learned that the value of the firm can be significantly increased more through a reduction in working capital requirement than through increasing the firm’s sales and net income.