
Nick Jensen

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Effective bad news emails need to be well planned out. Components of direct bad news messages should include a buffer statement, then the individual needs to deliver the bad news, provide a rationale, explain the impacts, focus on the future, and show goodwill to the recipient of the email. In the case of Nick Jensen, he needs to develop an email that explains why the company needs to get out of the chemicals and that a layoff of ten loyal employees would be imminent with this change (Cardon, 2013). Although Mike Jenson is Nick Jensen’s uncle a professional email needs to be drafted as such: Good Morning Mr. Jenson, I know that you have put a tremendous amount of work into this company and have done a fantastic job. There are many things that are going great within the organization, but we have an issue that needs our immediate attention. I want to assure you that I have crunched the numbers numerous times before coming to this conclusion. Although I know you love having a stake in the chemical portion of the business, larger …show more content…

In looking at the numbers, we currently are seven-hundred-and forty-thousand dollars in debt that are solely related to the chemicals division. Last year alone, the chemical division lost two-hundred-thousand dollars, and these numbers are only going to get worse. I feel that it is time to sell the chemicals division; I expect that we could get around a half of a million dollars from the sell. However, with the chemical division gone, the company stands a better chance of surviving, if we do not sell then within five years at the rate we are going we will be out of business. Unfortunately, with the losses we have incurred with the chemicals division, we will have to lay-off ten loyal employees that have been employed with us for several years. I understand this will be hard for our company, but it is necessary to stay in

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