
Nickel And Dimed: Book Report

Satisfactory Essays

“Nickel and Dimed” Journal
Throughout the book I learned that trying to live off minimum wage with average life is nearly impossible. It is impossible because the people work all day, they have no health care and they typing scavenge the food that is cheap. Listening sad I feel like life and the economy is unbalanced. ? I've learned that the author is very biased and to me it seems odd that she would change places with someone that makes a low minimum wage when she makes all the money that she needs to survive. So what would happen if you put a child in the mix with trying to live off minimum wage? Some things that I'm going to include in my research paper is the statistics that she states at the bottom of the pages. An example would be the quote “So begins my career at the Hearthside, where for two weeks I work from 2:00 till 10:00 p.m. for $2.43 an hour plus tips” The quote shows that Barbra cannot live off $2.43.Another is “…forced to live off the contents of his car and whatever food items he can scrummage …show more content…

I think it is because you imagine what this person is going through. I may state what happen when one of the women broke their foot and she had to keep working in addition it didn't faze her boss various. I think my perspective about if men which should be lower in order raised haven’t changed. I think if ironic because the people making minimum wage would trade places with Barbara in a heartbeat. I think that minimum wage should be raised because there’s so much evidence to prove that it's unlivable but then again there's also the contradicting evidence as well. Before started reading I didn't know that minimum wage jobs are what people live off of because in my household I you worked at McDonalds it was because you were a minor and after McDonalds you would get a better job. For example my dad always talks about how you can work at McDonalds for certain amount of time but then you have to get out of there

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