1) Cigarette smoking produces a strong dependence because of the drug nicotine. Nicotine is responsible for producing the physical and mood-altering effects in one's brain that cause cigarette smoking to be pleasing. These effects are the reasons individuals choose to continue to smoke more, thus resulting in dependence. Furthermore, nicotine acts as a mild stimulant, which helps individuals stay awake, focused, and relaxed. Nicotine is habit forming and causes unpleasant symptoms when the body is lacking nicotine. "One can theoretically choose to stop using a drug, but one has a very difficult time doing so because of the potent reinforcing properties of the substance. That is the case with nicotine" (Hart & Ksir, 2015, p. 244).
2) The regulation
In Chaucer’s genius work, The Canterbury Tales, the Friar and the Summoner tell tales of mockery about one another. Like the Miller and the Reeve before them the Friar and the Summoner are in rivalry with each other. However the difference between the rivalry between the Reeve and the Miller and the rivalry between the Friar and the Summoner is the competitive spirit. Unlike the Reeve and the Miller, the Friar and the Summoner’s rivalry is not a personal hatred but a hatred for the other’s office.This hatred inspires the tales of both the Friar and the Summoner. The two tell tales
Nicotine replacements and patches are always in advertisements and pushed in stores. While the ads may make it seem easy to quit with a nicotine replacement, they are not actually effective. Recent studies show that smoking cessation drugs like patches and gums do not effectively stop nicotine cravings.
Why do people get addicted to nicotine so easily? There’s an abundant amount of reasons as to why people can get addicted to nicotine-based products. Nicotine is a stimulant that is very addictive and consumed through tobacco products (Brands, 1998). It is under as a schedule II drug, which contains other drugs for example: cocaine, various opioids, and other addictive products. It contains drugs with a very high potential for abuse and dependence (Ginzel, 2008). This stimulant, nicotine, is said to be more addictive than heroine itself; a drug that is illegal and administered by needles (Brands, 1998).
So, it is perfectly rational to call smoking an “addiction” in my policy above. The main topic of 1988 US Surgeon General’s Report was if tobacco was addictive. It stated three main conclusions. First, it said that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are addictive. Second, it stated that the reason they are addictive is because of the nicotine found in them. Thirdly, it stated that this addictiveness is much like heroin or cocaine. Prior to this report and since then there have been other studies and experiments stating the addictiveness of tobacco and the effects of nicotine on the body. It is known that nicotine increases the levels of dopamine in the brain and causes a burst of adrenaline. This burst of adrenaline is pleasurable and is what is known as the “rush” or “kick” from smoking. DeNoble and Mele figured out that rats would rather have nicotine than food and water once they were addicted. Phillip Morris stopped them from publishing their findings in 1983. In 1995, Stoleman and Jarvis did a study on nicotine’s addictiveness and found that there are many different withdrawal symptoms people go through when they are deprived of nicotine. They also found that this withdrawal is only relieved by a nicotine and not a smoking placebo. This again furthers the fact that smoking is addictive. Once a person starts smoking it quickly becomes an
This, along with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema are results of the consumption of tobacco. The author also explains the other factors tobacco has that can lead someone into addiction such as irritability, problems paying attention, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, and powerful cravings for tobacco. This information is important for our project because it describes the effects tobacco can have on someone. The author also states that consuming too much tobacco can lead to an overdose. Although it is not common, it can happen because nicotine is a dangerous
According to the lecture and corroborating literature, nicotine addiction is one of the strongest addictions. Nicotine has
In 1988, the Ministry of Health in the United States defined the nicotine as an addictive substance. Cigarettes and other derivatives substances generate tobacco dependence. The addictive mechanisms are similar to the addiction mechanisms to drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Cigarettes are highly efficient at delivering nicotine and other addictive substances. The average smoker takes in 1 to 2 mg of nicotine per cigarette each time they inhale. Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds which contributes to its great power of addiction.
When an individual stops taking the drug, the individual goes through withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, frustration or anger, anxiety, dysphonic or depressed mood, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, decreased heart rate, and increased appetite. The short and long term effects of this drug have no difference because Gardner (2009) explains, "A youth who was able to keep withdrawal in check by smoking one cigarette every few days finds that, over time, he or she must smoke at more and more frequent intervals to keep withdrawal in check" (Gardner, 2009 ). So, the individual just needs to smoke enough nicotine and will gradually become addicted to the repeated exposure to nicotine. In fact, Gardner also mentioned "It can vary from many days in length in novice smokers, to just a few minutes in smokers with advanced dependence." (Gardner, 2009 ). Gardner brings in a very important point that with enough exposure to nicotine there isn't a difference between the short and long term effects of taking nicotine because just a certain amount can have an individual addicted to
A Tobacco plant is made up of approximately 5 percent of nicotine by weight. There are two categories of tobacco products cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Nicotine has many effects on the body but the effect it has on the brain is responsible for the so called “good feeling” that is behind the addiction. Nicotine is considered to be addictive because of the psychological and physiological effects on a person. The Center for the Advancement of Health published the results of a study on teenager smokers:
Smoking is the single highest cause of preventable death in America and puts users at significantly greater risk for disease compared to the rest of the population. Tobacco use costs the U.S. more than 289 billion dollars annually in medical expenses and lost productivity (Surgeon General, 2014). The problems associated with smoking are due in part to its addictiveness. Nicotine is the addictive substance found in tobacco and its chemical dependence is as strong as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol (CDC, 2014). Getting all smokers to quit entirely is not realistic due to nicotine’s addictive characteristics.
Nicotine has a powerful addicting effect because it is absorbed rapidly into the pulmonary circulation following inhalation from which it passes through the left side of the heart and into the cerebral circulation. It rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds to specific receptors in various parts of the brain. Stimulation of receptors by nicotine results in the activation of a number of neurohumoral pathways leading to release of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, vasopressin and various hormones. Nicotine causes the release of the substance b-endorphin, an endogenous peptide that also binds to opiate receptors. This indicates a link between addiction to opiates, such as morphine and heroin, and addiction to nicotine.
In the world today, Nicotine is one of the most frequently used addictive drugs. The impact it has on society is like no other. It is one of more than 4,000 chemicals found in the smoke of tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. This addictive drug is the primary component in tobacco that acts on the brain.
Because it takes approximately eight seconds for nicotine to reach the brain and each cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals, tobacco is one of the most addictive drugs in the United States. ("TIPS" 8). Dependency is defined as reliance for a substance that you can't live without. Smokers have a physical and physiological reliance
Although many claim the opposite smoking tobacco has been proved scientifically to be addictive. Addiction is when a person is physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance and is unable to stop taking it without incurring unpleasant effects. Once the body tastes nicotine the addictive chemical found in cigarettes it craves for more. Nicotine creates a pleasurable feeling that appeals to the smoker. However, since nicotine is the only addictive drug in tobacco if extracted from tobacco then tobacco won't be addictive.
Smoking is not just a bad habit, but also a complex addiction. Experts believe that nicotine exerts its powerful addictive effects by