
Nietzsche And Jlloquial Analysis

Decent Essays

Often, the dilemma arises of whether or not to tell the truth in a particular situation. This quandary presents itself frequently in high-stakes job interviews, where I may be asked a question about my qualifications for the job and prior experience. Consider a situation where the interviewer is willing to acknowledge false claims as factual - both on a résumé and spoken directly to the interviewer. Also assume that I, as the applicant, take considerable advantage of the naïveté of the interviewer and lack slightly in qualifications. Should I let know the truth about my qualification deficiency or lie with the intention of creating a scenario which results in the interviewer being more likely hire me? For the purpose of my argument, being …show more content…

But it is apparent that there are only two outcomes which can result from the interview. If the interviewer hires me, he is fooled by my deceit and remains ignorant of my mendacity and is therefore harmed in no way. In the case that the interviewer is able to detect my lies, he will simply reject my inquiry and move on to the next applicant - still remaining unharmed. Both situations are indicative of Nietzsche's concept of "will to power". In my situation, I prevail being hired through lies. Conversely, the interviewer's continued search for an honest and better qualified candidate is the other possible prevailing will. But when both situations are looked at, there is an obvious competition of wills between the two: mine and the interviewer's. This competition of wills is what surrounds the dilemma of whether or not to tell the truth to the …show more content…

Some are likely to be vastly under-qualified and some may possibly lack in credentials like myself. Others will be perfectly qualified while others will have a plethora of impressive jobs in their past. While the interviewer could undoubtedly be biased towards vaguely under-qualified applicants, it is much safer to assume he will pick the applicant which is most qualified. Therefore, knowing that the best likelihood rests behind the superior candidate being chosen, using deceit to masquerade as that contender is the ideal method of being hired - not

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