
Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis

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Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, published Night to share his family’s experience of that horrible catastrophe. In Azaryahu Maoz’s article, “Replacing Memory: The Reorientation of Buchenwald,” she states Buchenwald is, “the place of demise of 51,000 dead and of the heroic resistance of 21,000 survivor” (5). Eliezer being one of the living, and his father one of the deceased. When tragedy happens, it either brings people closer or drives them apart. In Eliezer’s case, it creates a strong bond between them where they draw strength from one another. Leading up to when his father perishes, Eliezer develops caregiver burden leaving him with feelings of resentment. In Night, Wiesel shows how the Holocaust transforms his and his father’s nonexistent relationship to becoming inseparable and switching roles causing Eliezer to have anger towards his father. Before they know what is to transpire, their relationship is nonchalant showing little emotion and support. Eliezer’s father is a well-respected man in his community and has a better connection with them than his family: “He rarely displays his feelings, not even within his family, and was more involved with the welfare of others than with that of his own kid” (Wiesel 4). Being needed often leaves him little opportunity to spend with his household. He also does not approve of Eliezer’s wish to study Kabbalah: “First you must study the basic subjects, those you are able to comprehend” (Wiesel 4). He thinks Eliezer is too young

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