
Night By Elie Wiesel: Book Analysis

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“When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope” (I Am Number Four Caruso). In life, when we give up hope, we give up everything. Our dreams are forever lost and the fight within us to live on is gone. Giving up hope is giving up on life. Even in the darkest moments of life there is always hope and that hope will keep you living. In the book Night, people either gave up hope of everything or held on to what little hope they had and lived to tell their story. A man named Meir Kratz lost hope and had no will to survive, and thus surrendered his life. Another person in the book, Akiba Drumer, lost all hope in life and eventually gave in to death. Eliezer …show more content…

Due to his lack of hope, Akiba saw no point in fighting to live on and died. “He just kept repeating that it all all over for him, that he could no longer fight, he had no more strength, no more faith.” (Wiesel 76). In this quote, Wiesel explains how little Akiba had left in him. He no longer wanted to continue the fight to survive. While at the concentration camp, Akiba lost all faith and also hope in God. Without his faith Akiba saw no point in living and gave up his will to survive. “He lost all incentive to fight and opened the door to death” (Wiesel 77). This quote shows just how willing Akiba was to hand his life over to death. Akiba’s death due to his loss of hope shows the readers just how important hope was to surviving the Holocaust. Meir Kratz, another man mentioned in the book Night, gave up all hope just as Akiba Drumer …show more content…

For instance, a boy named Juliek had hope up until his death. This hope is shown through Juliek’s constant playing of his violin. Even when it seemed that death was inevitable, Juliek kept playing. This playing gave not only Juliek himself hope, but also everyone around him. Hope may not have saved Juliek, but Juliek’s music helped saved others by spreading that hope amongst the prisoners. In this situation, it does not seem as if hope determined if one was to live. Juliek may have known that there was no way around his death. He knew that he was too weak and sick to go on, but instead of giving up hope he decided to grasp it and spread that hope on to others so that they may survive. Juliek’s way of keeping his hope was through playing his violin. Juliek may have had no other way to hang on to hope. Therefore, the only reason Juliek died was because his body was too physically worn out. Instead of giving up hope when Juliek knew he was dying, he continued to play as a way to give hope to others. Another time in the book, two men were hung for possessing arms. People would disagree that hope did not determine survival in this situation. ““Long live liberty!”” (Wiesel 64). These were the words of the men as the were about to be hung. The two men had hope until they died, just as Juliek did. The men believed that justice would be served and that these times

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