
Night Elie And His Father Essay

Decent Essays

Elie and his father, Schlomo, carried one another through the horrific times of the Holocaust. Elie feels as though he did not do enough to keep his father alive. It was not Elie’s fault that his father passed. Elie did as much as he could especially under the circumstances, yet that is not how Elie feels about it. By the end of “Night,” Elie reflects on how he treated and cared for Schlomo, and he immediately feels disappointment in himself. Elie feels like he did not take care of his father, but he did much more than most.
Elie and Schlomo started this terrible journey attached at the hip. Elie would not leave his father’s side. Every time something happened or Elie needed anything he would automatically look for his father. Elie’s father took very good care of Elie and guided him to stay alive. Later into their struggle of trying to survive the Holocaust, Elie and his father have were beaten and starved. Elie then slowly stops relying on his father’s guidance. Since they were deprived of nutrients and worked half to death, both Elie and his father are very weak. Elie ia much younger than his father so he stays a little healthier and stronger. Schlomo is growing much wearer by the day. Elie’s father starts to depend on Elie to get him …show more content…

Since Schlomo is so weak, he becomes very sick. Elie needs to keep moving to stay alive, but his father is constantly needing his help, so Elie starts to think of his father as a burden. Once his father is so sick, he cannot move, Elie caters to everything his father wants and needs. The guard beat Schlomo when he was ill and all his father can do is call out “Elie’ for help. As his father was beaten, Elie was not able to help, so Elie felt very guilty. So once Elie’s father died he just felt worse about not helping. Elie was extremely disappointed in himself about the way he treated his

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