
Nightingale Community Hospital: Sentinel Event

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Western Governors University
Joint Commission Compliance Audit
Task 2
AFT2 Accreditation Audit
By Cricket Besse 055895

Nightingale Community Hospital
Sentinel Event
Registrar, registered child (3 year old patient), obtained insurance card and entered demographics. She was then taken to pre-op where the nurse told mother that once in the OR the surgery would take about 45 minutes and then she would go to recovery. The mother informed the pre-op nurse that once her daughter went into the O.R. she needed to run a quick errand involving an older sibling and would return in time to pick her up once she got out of recovery. The mother gave the pre-op nurse her cell phone number phone number with instructions to contact her …show more content…

Pain intervention-assesses pain levels, makes complete notes on charts, communicates to the PACU nurse & physician. Completes any forms required by facility. Makes patient observation, Takes patients vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and temperature). Ensures patient is breathing properly, and administers oxygen when needed. Must be able to react to signs of negative change, call for assistance and begin CPR if necessary. Discharge Nurse
Review surgeons written discharge instructions. Goes over discharge with patient. Has patient sign discharge instructions Hospital Security Guard
Will ensure the safety of the hospital premises. Helps in evacuation drives in times of fire and threats. Interacts with hospital staff of all departments with special emphasis on drug storage areas, infant care units, and ward for mentally ill patients and trauma care. Personnel Issues
The Hospital environment can offer some practical challenges that could be barriers in communications. Many patients have individual needs and this can impede on a nurses time and emotions. Nurses put in long hours and have a high patient/nurse ratio or shortage of healthcare workers. Nurses/personnel have to deal with emergencies in an already challenging and busy hospital setting. Dealing with patients takes mental acuity and emotional support and sensitivity. Hospital guidelines might not have sufficient communication practices among personnel in place.


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