
Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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John G. Trump, a professor at M.I.T. stared that tesla’s thoughts and efforts were speculative and philosophical, but not include workable principles or methods for realizing such results, Nikola Tesla one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century died living in poverty and was forgotten by society. Nikola Tesla helped the mankind in the 20th century with his inventions in the electrical field. He left his mark with his unusual and great inventions, and his ability to visualize the end product without drawing or writing something. The way he was able to create devices that can create electricity was awesome. Tesla perfected many of his inventions in his imagination. He never had to produce a prototype because his models were already perfect in his head. His natural ability for inventing was in part a product of his genius mind. …show more content…

Tesla would present a problem to himself and then think up the solution. He would go through the whole design in his head and then test it in his head. Tesla said he was able to tell if something was not properly balanced when he ran the invention through his head. His unbelievable ability to build and test prototypes in his head made inventing so easy for him. When it would take months for another inventor to build and test a prototype, Tesla could do it all without spending a cent. His brain functioned like modern CAD software in a modern computer. Nowadays inventor uses CAD to create 3D models and then he can put the model through simulations to see how it acts. CAD can test the model by applying forces and with a click of a button will output the results. Tesla could test all of his ideas in his

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