
Njrotc Core Values

Decent Essays

When you think of the united states, what words come to mind. The average person would suggest words such as diversity, freedom, and independence. However, in this sense, I am not average. When I think of the united states, I think of words honor, courage, and commitment. When I first entered the NJROTC program, the core values of honor, courage, and commitment, where some of the first things I learned and they’ve been an important part of my life ever since. Being a member of this program help me to understand that as a response to uphold these principles in some way. The word honor means to view something with high respect or esteem. As a citizen, you should honor something or someone who represents or serves your country every day. You show Honor, or respect for your country, when you say the pledge of allegiance in school or hold the door open for a veteran when out in public. Before joining this program I did not have a really clear idea of what the military did. I did not think twice when I saw someone wearing a world war or Vietnam veterans ball cap. I knew we had a military and that they wore uniforms but that was about it. Being in the program …show more content…

The word courage can be interpreted and acted upon In a variety of ways. The average citizen shows courage when they speak for their own beliefs and/or the beliefs of their country, by challenging the status quo, or by joining the armed forces. You should never live in or represent a country that you can not have pride in and stand up for. Our armed forces work hard every day to ensure that we continue to live in the free and liberated country we know and love. There are thousands of soldiers fighting overseas, going through basic training, or being separated from their families, fighting for their beliefs and ours too. The least we could do is be courageous enough to carry the home front, speak up for our country and our rights, and allow no one to degrade us as a

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