Lookman Omisore UMUC CST 610 The use of Wireshark and Network Mapper (Nmap) vulnerability assessment tools will identify potential flaws in the Microsoft and Linux operating systems. In order for an attacker to breach into the computer system; the attacker needs to either be using the Wireshark or Nmap tool. First, a machine needs to selected by using a variety of techniques like port scanning and so forth. Once the targeted system has been identified, the tool is initated and the attacker can sweep through the entire network for weaknesses and open network ports. Wireshark is an open source network packet analyzer that functions by capturing and displaying live network for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Wireshark
The penetration tools provided in this document allow us to review our network from a security standpoint. This paper focused predominantly on phase two of a penetration test, the exploitation phase; however, a successful penetration test typically starts with the reconnaissance phase. In this phase, the tester attempts to gain as much information about the target company and its network as possible. He or she will test the physical infrastructure (how do people gain access to the building?) and other organizational aspects of the company to find a weakness and a way to get in. Also during this portion of the test, the penetration tester will use tools such as NMAP, whois.com, and other resources to obtain information regarding the network
tools will help to detect intrusions and other suspicious activities on the network. The third challenge is to improve the
Utilizing two simple command switches, -O and -v, provided a wealth of information about the host system. Most notably, it listed all of the open ports, protocols, and the operating system of the target system. This quick gathering of information enabled the execution of more detailed commands against specific ports to expose specific vulnerabilities. This information can then be used to address any specific vulnerabilities that are
Wireshark is an open-source program which enables users to actively capture and interact with the network traffic which is being funnelled through the computer. Commonly, pieces of software which do this are referred to as ‘packet sniffers’ - As the program is recording the packets which pass through the network.
In this report I will be describing the ways in which networks can be attacked, also be giving real life example of each of the below.
Wire Shark will be used to allow deep packet level analysis of the network and to mitigate possible network latency problems. Ping is also used to provide the user the ability to check the network conductivity from the workstation to a specific node or internet site. Trace Route is still another utility that can show the full connection path between the user’s workstation and the desired destination system being reached. The use of these tools can decrease the amount of time of an outage on a network by identifying which devices are not passing on the packets and where the packets drops are taking
* Compare the results of the ZenMap GUI “Intense Scan” with a Nessus® vulnerability assessment scan
This deals with doing your homework. Researching your target is the most important part of an attack. Once your target has been pick out, probing for possible vulnerabilities within their network is performed. With the use of common tools found on the internet like DNS and ICMP, Standard and customized SNMP tools, Port scanners and port mappers, and Security probes to exploit a potential target.
I have learned skills to diagnose and repair software vulnerabilities within Windows and Linux operating systems through the CyberPatriot program. I also participated in additional studies within the Cisco Networking Academy and received a perfect score on the Cisco Networking Quiz during the CyberPatriot competition.
Network-Based Scanner helps detect critical vulnerabilities for example mis-configured firewalls, risks associated with vendor-supplied software, vulnerable web servers, and risks associated with systems administration and network.
In this coursework, the main aim is to compare two network security software tools using Kali Linux to carry out a type of attack which helps build and develop an awareness to protect computers from varies password attacks.
Vulnerable. Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. The feeling that no one wants to feel. The feeling that everyone just wants to ignore. When I look back and talk about how I lost my accent and what that caused me, I am reliving the hurt that I felt. When I talk about all the struggles I felt, I am reliving the hurt that I felt.
An alternative free network analyzer (Packet Sniffer) application available is Capsa it allows you to monitor network traffic, troubleshoot network issues and analyze packets. Teachers and students of network classes use it to demonstrate network
Network security has changed significantly over the past years. There is more and more data to monitor and analyze in order to detect the activity of your data and systems. Securing a network has many variables. Password authentication, network access, patches, anti-virus protection, intrusion detection, firewall and network monitoring tools are just a few of the things you can do to protect yourself.