Kyle Warren
SP 180.0.2 Principles of Public Speaking
Assignment 7_07 Written Speech
No Call or Text is Worth a Life
Using a handheld cell phone could be one of the deadliest decisions you could make while operating a motor vehicle. The dangers and impact of using a cell phone while behind the wheel are numerous. One of the main reasons people still use their cell phones while driving is that there is no consistency in the laws across the country. Certain states have legislation that bans cell phone use, while other states only ban certain usage situations. Tough federal legislation is the only way to decrease the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The tougher the laws are, the less likely people will be to use
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Ultimately, the fact that it is a secondary offense makes it harder for law enforcement to enforce the ban which then in turn allows people to still use cell phones while driving. No state has banned the use of all cell phones completely, including hands free, but 34 states ban all cell phone use for new drivers and 19 states ban it for school bus drivers. Currently, 39 states have a ban on all text messaging and driving while only 4 of those states have it listed as a secondary offense. Some states have included cell phone use as part of their distracted driving laws such as Maine, New Hampshire and Utah (Distracted Driving Laws, 2013). This way, if a law enforcement officers sees a motorist driving while distracted, whether on a cell phone or not, they are permitted to pull the driver over and give them a citation. In my opinion, this is the best way for the law to actually be enforced. Coming from my experience as a police officer, it is hard to tell if a driver is using a handheld cell phone because they try to hide it better now that there is a ban in my state for all handheld cell phone use. This actually makes it more dangerous because the drivers are trying to hide their cell phones which distracts them even more. As a police officer, it is very apparent to me which drivers are driving distracted. If the ban on cell phones was included in a nationwide law for distracted driving, I believe there would be less accidents and fatalities
Furthermore, ‘texting in cars and trucks causes over 3,000 deaths and 330,000 injuries per year as stated by a Harvard Center for risk study’ (Hanson n.p.). Just imagine all the lives that could be saved from deaths or injuries if people stop texting while driving because it is a major distraction for them. There belief is that they can multitask, but the sad reality is that the brain cannot do that. The brain has to focus in a particular task at a time. In order to do things right or correctly. Pennings a highway patrol helped demonstrate teens that texting while driving is a dangerous action. He made several so called “ Professional Texters” pass several obstacles while answering text messages and the results were not pleasing at all, cones were flying. The questions asked were not hard, yet they still manage to make the driver lose focus from driving. This is why implementing a rigorous law would come in handy. People will reconsider the thought of many things while being in their vehicles such as texting,eating and drinking, watching videos, putting makeup or grooming, etc. The states have not yet implemented a good law they only prohibit it during school zones or if a police officer sees you, but that is not enough.
Cell phones have made it faster and easier than ever to communicate with others at any time. But people should not be allowed to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. It is against the law, and cell phones create a dangerous distraction while driving.
In 2011, at least 20% of auto collisions involved cell phones. That adds up to 1.3 MILLION crashes (according to Everybody in this room either drives or is in a vehicle on a daily basis. Whether you’re the driver or the passenger, the one behind the wheel should not use their cell phones at all while driving.
First of all, I believe that driving while holding a handheld cell phone should be illegal. One of the reasons is you can very easily get distracted while driving. The death roles around the world are unbelievable, because of the amount of deaths we have came across. When drivers are using a handheld cell phone their less likely to pay more attention to the road. Their is drivers every day that get distracted while driving, in my opinion those who use cell phones will be more distracted by their cell phone than they are to other drivers. If your phone is ringing an it is out of arms reach it can cause you to swerve into other vehicles when you go to reach for it or answer it. Sometimes your phones ring tone can be a distraction, the
Across the country, most states have laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. Research shows that cell phone use while driving significantly
Approximately 660,000 drivers try to use their cell phone while behind the wheel. Smartphones are a convenient way to stay connected with people all the time, but create a serious risk when you decide to interact with your device while driving. Statistics prove that using your phone while driving is a risk and should not be done. Cell phone distraction rates are high. The National Safety Council reports that the use of phones while driving, causes 1.6 million collisions each year.
This time spent distracted could potentially cause a accident. That one tweet being the split between life or death for not only them and their passengers, but others they could have hit. Lastly, the state has every right to put up precautions that will keep their citizens from harms way. Having a cell phone always by ones side causes their brain to never be fully alert. When one can think clearly about the task at hand, it helps them achieve it is a quick fashion and find the meaning behind what they are doing. By the state banning cell phones from use during this time, it would reap the benefits of significant cognitive development. Anytime spent away from technological devices is beneficial. When one puts down their device while driving it releases them from the stress of the outside world and improves the way they concentrate on the road ahead. Also teens these days have grown up with this technology, and they are ADDICTED. Having them put their cell phones down will show them their is a world out there to explore. Furthermore, it can keep them safe while learning how to drive. Lastly, it can arguably even improve your health but cutting down on the radiation you receive from your device. Finally, driving with a cell phone
The issue of using a handheld phone while driving, in my opinion, is an issue that needs to be looked and enforce. First, using a handheld reduces your reaction reflex. Second, the person, who you are texting/talking to, may not know that you are driving. Third, driving is the most causes of deaths worldwide. First, using a handheld reduces your reaction reflex. Since the driver is paying attention on the phone, he or she loses focus on driving. It is scientifically proven that the humans cannot multi-task. One example is when you are trying to finish your homework for school while you are watching tv at the same time. However, you did finish the homework, but it took about 2 hours. That homework could've been done in about 30 minutes.
Currently there are 49 states and U.S Territories that have some type of law that restricts the use of a phone while driving (Distraction). Each state has implemented legislation differently, though, resulting in dissimilar laws and methods of enforcement by police across the country. Most states currently outlaw the use of texting on a device, while driving, but these can be either a primary or secondary law and according to the age of the driver. A primary law being one that you can be stopped directly for using a phone, while a secondary law, an officer must observe some other offense first, like speeding. This ambiguity in laws leads to confusion to drivers and the faulty logic that using your phone to text is not that dangerous, because if it were, it would be illegal everywhere.
GENRRAL PURPOSE: To persuade the government to take certain course ofaction to enact laws banning the use of cell phone both hand-held and hand-freefor all drivers.B.
Texting and driving should be banned in all fifty states because texting is a distraction that keeps drivers away from the road. According to the book Brain Rules, while multitasking, research shows your error rate goes up 50 percent and it takes you twice as long to do things. (Cooper) Texting someone is nearly the same as talking on the phone, therefore, it’s an ongoing conversation. But driving is an ongoing action, excluding stop signs and stoplights as well. As a driver the main focus is the road. In order to send a text, the cell phone has to be the main focus. For example, if a driver is at a stop sign, receives a text, and decides to look down at the phone. The driver’s eyes, hands, and focus completely move toward the phone and not the road anymore, which is the main focus. With this situation, there are a number of things that can go wrong. Someone can switch lanes really quickly, a baby can walk out the street, a car could suddenly stop, etc. So any drivers, who plan on “multitasking” while driving, think twice before making that decision.
Its been about a hundred and thirty-nine years since Alexander Graham Bell made the first phone. The cellphone was made to replace the phone and its has become poplar. The progression of test messaging and social media sites through the more advanced technology has more people on their phones, becoming one of the largest distractions. Whether people think they can safely type on their phones while driving or just do not think there is any real danger in the act is a misconception. Being on the phone while driving is dangerous and needs to be
Lastly, cell phone use while driving should be banned because it can become dangerous for oneself as well as others on the road. Not only does cell phone use for drivers endanger other people, it endangers the life of the operator itself. Drivers can run off the road into trees, ditches, or poles; they may also run into other cars or drift into oncoming traffic. Using a cell phone while driving also puts other drivers on the road in danger; if a driver is texting, their eyes are on their phone and they may not see the car in front of them stopping, which will lead into a wreck that could injury someone.
The use of cell phone is very dangerous for drivers while driving. The drivers are supposed to be alert and concentrated to their ambient surrounding. The use of cell phone catch their attention and make them less alert to their surrounding which can lead to serious destruction. The use of cell phone is more dangerous than the use of alcohol while driving. Because it took half a second longer for a cell phone users to react than a normal person and one third of a second longer than a persons in drunken condition.
Using a handheld cell phone while driving is dangerous to the driver themselves for a couple of good reasons. One such reason is that