
No Child Left Behind Act

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No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act (NALB) was signed into law by the former President of the United States George Walker Bush on the 8th of January 2002. It was a congressional attempt to encourage student achievement through some reforms focused on elementary and secondary education programs in the United States. The NCLB requires that within a decade all students including those with disabilities to perform at a proficient level on their state academic evaluation tests. The stated goal of the NCLB is to make certain that all children receive a fair, equal, and a significant chance to get a high-quality education, and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on the challenging state academic achievement assessments and …show more content…

Many of these students with disabilities had been traditionally left off from state evaluation and testing programs. The NCLB thus ensured full participation of all students and was expected to be an intimidating experience for ones with disabilities.
A key perception that provoked the implementation of the NCLB was that the system of public elementary as well as secondary schooling in the U.S. was fragmented and jumbled. There were too many schools that were focused on their inadequate performance objectives insufficiently. This organizational slack reproduced weak incentives as well as a lack of accountability by teachers and the administrators of the schools. Further, the interests of the teachers and school administrators were viewed as imperfectly allied with those of the parents who could not make decisions or evaluate the decisions made by school administers and teachers regarding their children’s education easily. While all parents would want to see their children perform well in schools, some of the teachers and administrators were more interested in getting their salaries than helping students perform excellently. They would be comfortable with their students’ average performance and would not even go an extra mile to further ensure more improvement. Parents were less involved by

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