
No Child Left Behind Act as an Effect on Students with Disabilities

Decent Essays

Since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2001, there has been debate and discussion about how the law will impact students with disabilities. There has been confusion and misinformation about NCLB requirements for children with disabilities. Myths have developed. The National Association of Protection & Advocacy
(NAPAS) has attempted to dispel these “myths” and misperceptions and to establish the
“realities” (Smith, 2004).
Inclusion consists of placing disabled or “learning-impaired” students in general education classrooms and integrating their learning experience with students in the general education classes (Turnbull, Turnbull, Shank, & Smith, 2004). Inclusion is made up of four main components: 1) all students receive their education in their home school;
2) placement is based on the concept of natural proportions; 3) there is learning/teaching restructuring so that supports are created for special education in the general education setting; and, 4) placements are grade- and age- appropriate. There is a further distinction between inclusion, where students spend two-thirds or more of their time in a general education classroom, and full inclusion, where students with disabilities spend all their time in a general classroom. Mainstreaming consists in the practice of educating students with special needs in regular, general classrooms during specific time periods based on their skills.
What are the pros and cons of inclusion? What have been the

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