
No Easy Day Summary

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This book is report is on the book No Easy Day written by Navy Seal Mark Owen and help from author Kevin Maurer. No Easy Day has a total of 316 pages in it and was published in 2012 by the New American Library, which is a part of the Penguin Publishing Group. This autobiography is based on the life and missions as a Navy Seal of Mark Owen, one of the 24 soldiers who were apart of the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden. The report is answering about how the conflict shaped the characters, how did the main character develop throughout the book, what literary elements were used, what is one of the themes of the book and how it is conveyed, and my critique of the book as a whole and recommendations. In the book No Easy Day, there are two main conflicts that affect the Navy Seals in their job which is the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and the Pakistani mountain terrain and weather. This affects both the character and even certain events in the book and causes them to act in different ways to this. Both the Navy Seals and Al-Qaeda are …show more content…

The two conflicts of Al-Qaeda and weather shaped event and people’s actions, Mark Owen developed good qualities throughout the book, and literary elements used in the book point of view, setting, dialect, imagery, and symbolism. Also dedication is one of the theme of the book and used in various parts of the book and the that the impactful events in the book give a positive critique of the book and recommendations for my friends and family to read it. All in All, No Easy Day after reading the book and answering these questions has changed my point of view of the military and will change your opinion too after reading No Easy

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