
Essay about No Freedom for Women in Ancient Rome

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When in Ancient Rome, women were granted barely, if any, freedom at all. These women were not viewed as their own person or respected as a part of society or even a human being. They were not even granted their own proper authority to a nice strong household. The conceiving of a child and the expectations of an ideal woman stayed the same throughout most of Ancient Rome’s history, although some did improve after a while. The rights among the Ancient Romans were unequal and very unfair to women in their empire. Women were not allowed any freedom whatsoever especially in society. Females had to remain in guardianship even when they attained their majority. Not a single female voice echoes through history. No voice telling the tale of how …show more content…

Women were not viewed as an independent person or even their own person. Women were viewed as daughters, mothers, and wives (Mosier-Dubinsky 2). Once a young woman had left her father to go with her husband, she then belonged to her husband, she never belonged to herself, but always another (Thompson 1). A women has a main role in society that she must play and these were to play the role of a mother and a wife. The fulfillment of the roles of a woman had affected how a women or a young woman may have been judged. Eulogies that these roles occur in are examples of things like being a loving person to your husband, taking care of your children, and managing your husband’s household. There is not any record that any of the women in the Ancient Roman Empire were not married to a man (View Article: Feminae Romanae 3). In every moment of a women’s life women are expected to defer to the men in their lives and to agree, obey, and abide by their interests (XIII Women in Roman Society 1). The virtues that were expected of women were most obvious and visible in Roman legends (View Article: Feminae Romanae 2). Women were limited to mostly the domestic sphere. When a young women reached the age of twelve or thirteen they were ready to become a wife. Maybe even have children and become a mother (XIII Women in Roman Society 1-2). Some of the rules could be bent, but they could not be broken. Women were expected to be a highly

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