
No Need To Call Analysis

Decent Essays

How do digital technologies affect human interactions and personal relationships in our society? Will they completely affect intimacy, self-reflection, and face-to-face communication in the bad ways?Within this topic, we need to explore the idea of technology and social media bringing people together.In the article '' No need to call'' which is written by Turkle, she focuses on the way people communicate with phones and how its bad influences with our relationship; whereas, in another article ''I had a nice time with you tonight, on the APP'', Wortham-the writer, explains that having a smartphone helps shorten time and space from one another through using apps on the phone.Although digital technologies have some drawbacks, when they come …show more content…

istance among another person, group, society or country.Also, it can be a quick and time-consumed way to communicate, as she explains ''thanks to smartphone applications and services that helped to collapse time and space''(Wortham 393).She continues to describe a day with her boyfriend where they were able to experience their happiness, relaxing meals, and a heartfelt goodnight, all from the mobile apps.Wortham uses this common emotion to argue it can be obtained without physical interaction with the help of technologies.Moreover, using smartphone apps has allowed her to maintain and even improve relationships not only with her boyfriend but also her …show more content…

In such that situation, messaging applications may be preferred because it allows you to plan out and revise messages; whereas for a face-to-face often demands an immediate response in which without a suitable answer, may lead to awkwardness.Ann Friedman, an audience interviewed for this article states, "Tech entrepreneurs, long obsessed with making apps to help you find a relationship, have now begun trying to solve the problem staying happy in one,"(Wortham 394).Another person in this article also says, ''We've given ourselves something so gratifying that we can forget other ways we can communicate."(Wortham 395).These two interviewers have shown us the importance that social media and technology bring in a new way of communication, but also affect our ability to interact outside of

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