How do digital technologies affect human interactions and personal relationships in our society? Will they completely affect intimacy, self-reflection, and face-to-face communication in the bad ways?Within this topic, we need to explore the idea of technology and social media bringing people together.In the article '' No need to call'' which is written by Turkle, she focuses on the way people communicate with phones and how its bad influences with our relationship; whereas, in another article ''I had a nice time with you tonight, on the APP'', Wortham-the writer, explains that having a smartphone helps shorten time and space from one another through using apps on the phone.Although digital technologies have some drawbacks, when they come …show more content…
istance among another person, group, society or country.Also, it can be a quick and time-consumed way to communicate, as she explains ''thanks to smartphone applications and services that helped to collapse time and space''(Wortham 393).She continues to describe a day with her boyfriend where they were able to experience their happiness, relaxing meals, and a heartfelt goodnight, all from the mobile apps.Wortham uses this common emotion to argue it can be obtained without physical interaction with the help of technologies.Moreover, using smartphone apps has allowed her to maintain and even improve relationships not only with her boyfriend but also her …show more content…
In such that situation, messaging applications may be preferred because it allows you to plan out and revise messages; whereas for a face-to-face often demands an immediate response in which without a suitable answer, may lead to awkwardness.Ann Friedman, an audience interviewed for this article states, "Tech entrepreneurs, long obsessed with making apps to help you find a relationship, have now begun trying to solve the problem staying happy in one,"(Wortham 394).Another person in this article also says, ''We've given ourselves something so gratifying that we can forget other ways we can communicate."(Wortham 395).These two interviewers have shown us the importance that social media and technology bring in a new way of communication, but also affect our ability to interact outside of
In “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App” written by Jenna Wortham, she suggests that technology is an essential key to sustaining a relationship and seems to promote the use of applications as a communication tool. Wortham briefly discusses Sherry Turkle’s article, “No Need to Call”, which is focused on reminding us that text messaging and emails shouldn’t be our first choice when communicating. Wortham has found herself to have matured through the means of smartphone communication and has been able to successfully maintain her relationship with her long distant
People use technology like the smart phone apps in order to interact and communicate with friends and families. The You and Me Application among others, is a popular mobile dating app used by people who are potentially seeking partners or friends. Others object that this kind of communication refrains and hinders strong face-to-face communication. The many authors and researchers share their views that technology will be a barrier to real life communication because technology users are less likely to be engaged and interact face-to-face with current or possible partner. In the essay “I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight On the App.”, Jenna Wortham contends that smart phone dating apps allows people to meet and communicate, and is also effective in maintaining healthy relationship. In order to entertain and convince her readers, Wortham begins by sharing a personal story about her experiences with communication apps in order to lower her readers so they don’t get thrown off with her credible resource, and
She encourages the use of Apps. because it is a rapid and convenient means of communicating. Wortham starts to name off many Apps. which has become a daily part in her life. Regardless of the Apps.
It is widely accepted that technology can be used for people to connect with one another. One primary example that may spring to mind is the smartphone. No matter the distance between two people, the other party is only a text, call, or instant message (IM) away. In consideration of that, certain methods are favored over others. In her work titled “No Need to Call,” Turkle examines why there is a decline of phone calls. She surveys different generational demographics that bring her to the consensus that, regardless of age, texting holds wider appeal because there is less commitment involved. As a result, calls are more significant, only to be used if one is a family member or if the message cannot be properly expressed over text. Cases of the latter may even come with restrictions. One person that Turkle interviewed claims that it was easier to deal with traumatic news without immediately speaking about
Technology these days is continuing to grow into people’s lives exponentially- something that Jenna Wortham talks about in the article, "I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App" published in The New York Times. She offers a new point of view to the dating-app world as she describes life in a relationship separated by thousands of miles. Today, dating-apps are mainly for people who are looking for a partner, but as more and more people start to find their loved one online, those apps become irrelevant. This knowledge has sparked new concepts for apps- apps that try to keep people happy in their relationships. Although human social interactions may have transformed over the past couple of decades, the usage of mobile devices to communicate help us stay in contact with people
She uses different apps to communicate with her long-distance boyfriend (393). Wortham says “ These interactions help us feel physically close, even if they happen through a screen.” (394). Conversations feel more casual to her then normal conversations. She says “... it feels more like the kind of casual conversation you might have over a meal or while watching television together.” (394). She quotes Turkle in her essay, “ Turkle.. Said technology saturated type could ‘forget what a face-to-face conversation can do’” (396). Wortham disagrees, she explains, “ If anything, the pervasiveness of technology in my life has heightened my desire for actual one-on-one meetings.”
The relationship between people has been changed because of the widely using of new technology. People can easily communicate with other people by using different kinds of methods. Because of the use of those methods, people have more space with others and frequently hide part of themselves on the Internet in order to show the best of them. In the essay “Small Change: Why he Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted”, Malcolm Gladwell states that the relationship between people can be categorized by strong ties and weak ties. For example, in the past, people communicated by the method of interpersonal hierarchies, which are considered as strong ties. However, with the development of technology, social network, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Skype, which have become very popular in the world, are regarded as weak ties. Moreover, in the essay “Alone Together”, Sherry Turkle claims that people are distant with others and get lost in the virtual world through the new technology. She points out that now people communicate with others through technology instead of directing talking to real people. Furthermore, some people suppose that sociable robots as substitutes for people. Both Gladwell and Turkle agree with the idea that technology plays an important role on people’s connection. Technology only creates inauthentic relationship because it hides identity of many disorganized people.
In the article “I Had A Nice Time with You Tonight, On the App,” Wortham writes about her experiences with apps allowing for communication and suggests that technology is necessary to maintain relationships particularly long-distance ones. She explains that her smartphone apps allowed her to maintain and improve relationships with her long-distance boyfriend as well as her nearby friends and family because
“Our phones are not accessories, but psychologically potent devices that change not just what we do but who we are.” (Turkle 2015). As the technology era is on the rise, the face-to-face talking era is on the decline. Technology now days is being used in our every day lives. Just like everything technology absolutely has pros and cons but do the cons out weigh the pros? As stated in the article: “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.” written by Sherry Turkle, she lays out how technology is affecting the people in the society. Today’s technology comes with consequences: leading us to be vulnerable, unaware and shallow.
Now the world of development is faster and faster, a lot of mobile applications are make the people distance more and more closer. In the “I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight” article. JENNA WORTHAMT She has 3,000 miles away from her boyfriend, and they often use smartphone applications to get closer and chat with each other. She pointed out that the convenience of these applications can make people become more closer, and this is not like the phone or text formal. In the new app “you and me”, the entrepreneur is committed to allowing more couples to use the software for one-on-one meetings. Although this software is not a real alternative, but does not affect the actual time together in the real world. In Ms. Friedman's blog, she noted that 74% of couples believe that the Internet had a positive impact on their relationship. In my view, although the virtual world spent most of the time, but it also brings a lot of positive impacts.
“No Need to Call” by Sherry Turkle is an article written about the relationship people have with technology, and specifically with communicating via technology. How it has affected the way we want to interact with people, or how we end up interacting with people. This being due to social norms having changed when it comes to our way of interacting, such as the meaning behind making phone calls rather than texting. The article itself brings up many viewpoints as well as different opinions on the subject, plus a few pros and cons to show that certain things are not always to be seen as black and white. Technology has its advantages, but even the most tech savvy, devoted people have to admit that it has its disadvantages, brought up in this article. Examples are brought up with each point to
Whatever view you may have towards the internet it is safe to say that social media has become an important part of society. Social media is used for the purposes of entertainment, research and education, socialization, marketing, and so on. It has been so ingrained into our everyday life that for some people it has become a crutch or an obsession. This is where the controversy comes in.
Turkle uses her input as a psychologist, to point that technology “appeals to us most where we are most vulnerable. And we are vulnerable. We are lonely, but we’re afraid of intimacy.” She argues that we look upon our phone’s use because we feel lonely and do not accept solitude as a good thing. We turn to technology when we want to avoid social awkwardness and rather control our conversations. This said, Turkle ponders that an individual’s attempt to avoid isolation by then again being isolated on their devices, is unfitting to the situation. On the other hand, Carral persists that people should not be deemed for their actions of simply communicating online. He goes on to say “people should be able to interact with whomever they please without being judged by people for using their smartphones to do so.” It is without question that people should not be told with who to communicate. Carral stands by the notion that our desire to communicate with those online does not cause us to be isolated; it rather means we want to socialize with that particular
Technology is great for sending quick messages but shouldn’t be a place where we are always communicating. In order to have more authentic relationships we shouldn’t use technology for creating relationships because you truly can’t learn about one another if you’re not communicating in real life as well. What we put out on social media is often times fabricated or enhanced to depict a life that we aspire. We can edit text or pictures to our discretion and even delete images or texts, which we can’t do in real life, which is why we tend to prefer texting and social media because we have
We can control how much we use technology. Carson Pyatt also said.” I do, however, strongly feel that today’s youth is become more excited by a lit-up screen than somebody’s lit up smile “. One on one relationships are important. You can’t share your true emotion through a text message. It’s important to not use your phone to tell somebody how you feel but actually tell them in person. We want to try not to get sucked in into the lit-up screen.