“No One Would Tell” is a thriller film based off of an abusive relationship. This film is a film from 1996 directed by Noell Nosseck. The film stars Candace Cameron and Fred Savage. The film shows a shy, 16 year old Stacy Collins (Candace Cameron) who’s mom happened to have a rude boyfriend. Now, Stacy has been liking a boy for quite some time named Bobby Tennison (Fred Savage) who is in the high school varsity wrestling team. After Bobby starts showing some romance and ends up dating Stacy, they both find out that they both have dads that left them as kids. After some time from the relationship, Bobby shows more possession towards Stacey and he gets angry every time Stacey is with one of her friends who happens to be another boy. Now, there are some examples of warning signs Bobby showed towards Stacey such as nasty looks as she does something Bobby doesn't like. For instance, when Bobby and Stacey were at the dance, Bobby made angry faces at Stacy when she was talking to one of her guy friends. As an outcome, …show more content…
The acting was really good which resulted in the movie looking more real than fake. The movie also taught me a very good lesson which is to always stay out of trouble and avoid getting hurt. I also learned that in some cases, you might need to do things on your own, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask for help. I learned this lesson because I did see Stacy suffering through the pain while she was taking a shower and it appears to be that she might be too scared to tell anyone about how Bobby is mistreating her because she might fear that Bobby will hurt her. This movie showed its audience an example of a real life situation that many teenagers and college students face and it gives us a clearer image as to how we should handle our abusive relationships just as how Stacy’s friends try to do so. Overall, I congratulate the company this movie is coming from because it’s a movie everyone should
Upon watching the film, my stomach was turning. I cried so much, especially with Cody. I can really understand why Dr. Morris said that “do no harm” is different for every patient. I agree with her, and I’m sure that I will encounter this as a dental hygienist. My mom once had a bone cancer on her left leg that became gangrenous. I was twelve years old and it was very difficult for me. When Nancy said, her husband was bleeding from his nose and mouth, this brought back memories of when I once found my mom bleeding from the mouth, nose and her leg. I went insane, it was like a crime scene. People would say my that mom wouldn’t make it and hearing those words, just destroyed me. I thank God my mom survived and even though her leg was amputated, she is here with me today. When thinking of whether I object or approve of this practice, my state would be neutral. I can only imagine how much pain those individuals suffer, but then again to view it in another perspective, I’d have to be in their shoes. I also believe that God brought us to this world, that he has a plan for us and a purpose in
The way I feel about the movie that like the part where mike Tyson was punching mike Epps in the crotch it was too funny I wish it could be more movies like that and when mike Epps was hitting Lil Duval in the face with a bat that was funny they really did good on those parts in the movie my rating I give on it sis like 9 put
The script is smart and creative, which many teens can relate to. It keeps the comic side of the movie, while hitting some major real emotional memories some teenagers go through. This film has said to be stereotyped, but as I see in Mean Girls, most likely everyone would fit into a category seen in the film. The film focuses on the small funny touches, which the audience will not forget. An example is the one of the Plastic’s mother who thinks she is one of the Plastics.
In my opinion this film allowed me to learn about the complexities of having a disorder. This film made much more aware of certain
Overall I found the movie to be quite interesting and exciting at times but a bit slow in others. The story itself was very clear to me and didn’t cause any confusion. It had a good flow also, just as you were on the verge of falling into boredom with a scene they switched it up on you to keep you
This movie is a really good movie! Nobody would have probably thought of the ending turnout. I personally thought that the three little kids were good actors. They really know what they are doing! The director, Wil Shriner really knows how to train his characters. These actors are made the movie so good!
Although she makes these comparisons, she admits that she doesn’t fully understand what had happened even admitting it by thinking how “it frustrated her not to understand what had happened at that funeral even now.” This is when Stacey first admits that she never fully understands completely what is happening and what’s going on, although she never expresses these feelings out loud, she does so to herself, and that is the beginning of her character unraveling. She even begins to have second thoughts about her only friend Carol when she “betrays” her to Steve and feels as though “Carol had chosen in favor of Steve” due to what her father had said about white people and how” ‘they will always choose themselves’”, this makes her feel betrayed and claims that she “never felt this Indian in her life”. However, Stacey never confronts Carol about her feelings and goes on voicing these betrayals only to herself and her thoughts. Stacey exploring herself through only her thoughts becomes a sort of trend. This also becomes
It made really made me think if what the characters are doing morally wrong. Both cops handle justice a different way and no one taught Jake that the world is cruel, and twisted. This eventually causes the climactic intense ending, and will keep your eyes glued to the screen. Although I enjoy this movie there is somethings that could be better. For instance the movie has a slow start. I’m not going to lie, I did skip a bit to the ride along, for it was boring. I also would make a scene more believable, but I digress because if it was the movie wouldn't be able to continue. Overall this movie contained major keys to make it interesting.
and I am also a strong willed female, but I had a hard time agreeing with her decision to limit the visitation rights of Daniel the entire time. She knew that he was good with the kids. I would say that this movie represented everything that most modern families are: a little different but in one with love, faith and hope overcome all as long as you keep trying, and that it may not come in the form of traditional sense, but it will come nonetheless, as long as you have strong familial support. Robin Williams is a hilarious actor that we all miss very much, Sally Field was certainly loved in her time. This movie would be beneficial for anyone who doubts their spouse, wanting to get a divorce, or just needs a reminder that not every relationship is
Not great just good. The cast was star-studded and serviceable, that’s about it. The cast includes the likes of Paul Giamatti, John Goodman, Sylvester Stallone and Rosario Dawson. And yes, the cast gives it a semi-decent try, but in the end all the star-power in the world can’t save this film from its amazingly dull and lifeless story.
Tyler Perry teaches us throughout the movie how to deal with painful relationships and how to deal with ultimate betrayal. He also shows us how wounded people can heal and eventually learn how to grow from any past mistakes and focus on what lies ahead of us.
Before watching the movie, I knew about the Stephen Glass case but I did not know detailed events that led up to his Glass’s case being exposed. In my opinion, the movie did a great job as far as casting. The actors in the movie understood their roles and played it well although there were some moments that could have been done differently. In my opinion, there were some parts in the film that could have been dramatize and much more intense because the situation and seriousness of what was occurring called for it.
To start, the actors’ portrayal of their characters and the world was great. In the first scene, they were in the woods shortly after the accident happened. They talked about how it probably wouldn’t be too much longer before everything was fixed and they acted all nonchalant, but when they started to hear noises and later when a new character showed up, they were very afraid. All of the jokes they were telling before disappeared as they feared for their lives. Their acting was so good that even I could feel their fear and uneasiness in the audience.
Overall I thought this was a really good movie. I thought it taught you a lot about diversity, women’s rights, poverty and peace. The movie was a very touching and inspiring movie; there is also a lot of emotion due to what they had to deal with on an everyday basis. To me the movie and their stories really teach you that you should be aware of your surroundings and to be helpful in your
The director did a fantastic job writing this film. All of the points he wanted to get to the audience, I feel did. The actor, Sean Paul, did a wonderful job impersonating someone with a developmental disability. The director’s goal was to have people that were his targeted audience, try and think about what they take for granted and show that people need love and support just as much as anyone else that is important to them. People never know what other stories other people have and are going through. It is always nice to be kind and to be a supportive human being.