With the mentality that they need to do anything necessary and the community thinking the same thing because they feel that this is an officer job, it could push them to behave unethical. Perez and Moore (2013) points out that police officers are face with situations where the people in the community is telling them every day to either get the gangs or guns out their neighborhood and keep the drugs out and away from the kids and do they don’t care about the cost that this demand could have on others. “Unlike any other form of misconduct, noble cause corruption is often accompanied by a significant amount of community support (Perez & Moore, 2013, p. 195). At the end of the day everybody rights is important whether they are or not a criminal …show more content…
One can also see this in traffic violation. Earlier the point of searching ones property was brought up because a person can refuse to have their car search if there is no evidence that they did something wrong and no warrant, but because people do not know this an officer can use their authority power to push this. Just like, if someone was pulled over for drunk driving and the officer feel that they will not remember what happen that night, so they do not tell them of their rights. Which is that they can refuse to take the test and that the test may cause their license to be suspended (Martinelli, 2016). Then the situation later could come upon the statement of his words verse mines in these situation. These may be a reason why some of these situation is not reported by the public because they are not sure of their rights and police authority. Most people in the community thinks that police officers has the authority to do what they see in the streets and for most they are displaying ethical behavior, but for some they are not and many do not know the difference between the two which makes it hard to know, if it is going on in the department. What it takes is for officers to have a balance in governing other and controlling themselves in certain situations (Harrison, 1999). By police officers using unethical conduct to get just means it destroys our justice
Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to become a police officer. Becoming a police officer isn’t an easy take because they have to risk their life everyday to protect and serve the community. They have to go through the dangers of arresting criminals when there is a chance that they could die. However, in today’s society only a small amount of police officers actually serve their community and protect citizens from danger. Right now, most police officers abuse their power to the point where they don’t seem to care for the safety of the community. They would usually arrest innocent people, make accusations, and even use their power as a source to show their dominance. If you think about, whenever you are stuck in traffic some
The question for the courts was “does this follow the rules of evidentiary collection and was the search performed according to the law?” The court decided it was not. The allowance of letting the police department to make the standards as they go along and to perform their duties by any means necessary could be problematic. Police brutality, harassment, and other types of inappropriate behaviors could result from giving an officer a “blank check” for search and seizures. It also contributes to an “all powerful mentality” that leads these people to believe that they are untouchable.
Despite the fact that some cops may utilize their energy to undermine and behave in any way they if it's not too much trouble there are numerous officers that serve and secure; taking the guarantee that they pledged to truly, which is the thing that larger part of the populace today neglects to figure it out. Verging on consistently, cops are tasked out to restore arrange or recover peace in rushed circumstances and are confronted with the test to utilize power without it being viewed as a "lowlife" or danger to the group or far more terrible accused of a wrongdoing of Police mercilessness. More regularly than any other time in recent memory, daily papers, sites, and TV have dialed in on these
We all know that Police Officers and those involved in Law Enforcement are typically good people who we entrust to uphold our laws and rules in society. For them to be able to do their job however we grant them several privileges that that empower them more than the average citizen. Their status at times can make them appear above the law since they are the ones upholding and enforcing it and with all due respect I believe mostly of those individuals are responsible and respectable however as we know from history time to time such privileges an lead to corruption and the abuse of power which they are granted. The following CNN news article contains a hint of some of the corruption that can take place. Taking place in King City California a rural and agricultural area recently where 6 police officers along with the former chief of police were arrested for several charges including conspiracy. Accusations claimed that the arrested officers took advantage of their powers and would impound the cars of local citizens typically those in the lower class and poor with the goal of those victims not being able to afford the impounding fees and then selling the vehicles to make a profit afterwards. The owner of a local towing company was also arrested being believed to be part of the corrupt officer’s conspiracy. Dean Flippo who is the District Attorney of Monterey County believed the conspiracy would take the following steps in order. First one of
Multiple reports have shown that police are taking their jobs so seriously, they are willing to break the rules. This results in people losing their rights to privacy. What people do not understand is that they do have the power to say no when a police officer asks to search their cars or their person when there is no probable cause. The bone of contention is that people tend to have no will power to abnegate an officer. With that being said, people should understand the limits that cops can and cannot reach when it comes to arresting or fining a person under certain circumstances. If a person has evidence that there is no justification for the cop to search them, then in no way is it wrong to say that they do not give them the right to search.
Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to become a police officer. Becoming a police officer isn’t an easy take because they have to risk their life everyday to protect and serve the community. They have to go through the dangers of arresting criminals when there is a chance that they could die. However, in today’s society only a small amount of the police officers actually serves their community and protect citizens from danger. Right now, most police officers abuse their power to the point where they don’t seem to care for the safety of the community. They would usually arrest innocent people, make accusations, and even use their power as a source to show their dominance. If you think about, whenever you are stuck in traffic
When the public looks at us as public servants they expect officers to be of the highest ethical, and moral standard. When the police deal with the public, unfortunately it is usually when something is wrong. To be able to fix things that are wrong in society you have to be a person of integrity with moral values. The public would never trust someone who does not have integrity to fix there problems. In order for officers of the Las Vegas metropolitan police to perform their duties the community needs to be able to trust them. When a officer is trustworthy, he or she can be relied upon to be honest, reliable, and loyal, which to me means they have integrity. But its also equally important to be respectful, responsible, fair, caring, and demonstrate good citizenship. An officer with integrity does exactly what he says, and says exactly what he means. There is no conflict or doubt between his thoughts and actions. His actions are consistent with the values he claims to
They are sworn to maintain high ethical standard and protect, serve and make society safer as a condition of their employment. Each office is then issued a badge which is used to identify whether a person is a law enforcement or not. The badge is a symbol of integrity, having integrity means being totally honest and truthful in every part of life, personally and professionally (International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2000). But do all officers uphold these requirement? Absolutely not! Oakland, CA. 2009. Oscar Grant was shot dead by Bay Area Rapid Transit law enforcement officer Johannes Mehserle, age 27. Officer Mehserle and other police officers had been responding to reports of a fight, and arrested and handcuffed Oscar Grant, age 22, and several others in a subway station. Mr. Grant was handcuffed, unarmed and lying on the ground when Officer Mehserle pulled out his gun and shot him in the back. In court Mehserle claimed he thought his gun was his Taser. He was sentenced to two years in jail and let out on parole in June 2011. This is another example of police misconduct/brutality. Not only should the offices be criminally charged but also force to pay any settlement out of their pockets for their wrongdoing. Taxpayers like myself are paying millions of dollars in lawsuits resulting from police brutality, misconduct, wrong convictions,
I think that police officers may fall into corruption after they feel that the community they work in does not appreciate their presence. When an opportunity of corruption presents itself, the police officer is more willing to sway towards the corruption for the opportunity to make money or gain something from committing acts of corruption. They must feel as if their legal power makes them invincible and that they will not get caught. Maybe some of the corrupt officers have been there for many neighborhood/community events and its citizens and have helped many people out in their community but feel as if they are
Ethical decision making will have the propensity to suffer with positive results garnered by acts of noble cause corruption. Getting a sense of accomplishment through corrupt means will make an individual more likely to take shortcuts during future events. Law enforcement professionals will be more likely to go to greater extents to get the bad guy off the street. This can be dangerous to all individuals involved. It can leave the officer open to administrative, civil, and criminal proceedings. It can also increase levels of stress, sleepless nights, and create alienation from coworkers.
Police corruption is one of the ethical issues affecting law enforcement officers. Corruption is defined as “impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; inducement to do wrong by improper or unlawful means” (Merriam Webster Online, 2009). While the most recognizable form of corruption involves officers taking money for favors (bribery), the actions that are considered corruption include filing false police reports, harassment of any person due to sex, race, creed, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, and failure to protect the rights of citizens. Corruption exists in all levels of law enforcement.
Police officers may or may not actively support noble-cause corruption. Sometimes when officers become aware of corrupt or illegal forms of misconduct, they are inclined to “turn a blind eye or look the other way.” It puts their fellow officers in a very difficult position, most officers tend to think that if they turn away and ignore it and do not acknowledge what is going on that they are not part of the misconduct or illegal activity. Most
When it comes to ethics this is a major part of any law enforcement job when interacting with citizens. Ethics is the moral principles that govern a person’s or groups behavior. In order to put ethics in a reality perspective, it is when a person is faced with a decision. When picking a decision, they can choose the right way of doing things based on how they were trained and their past experiences or go against their training and life experience. When doing something in an unethical way the after effect will not always sit right with that person because of their poor judgment especially with having a career in law enforcement. When that officer must explain their reason why they made that decision, sometimes it is hard for them to explain why they did it. Once a person makes an ethical decision they can later express how and why they made that decision. They can go on to say, “I made my decision based on my training and past experiences that I had in my careers. To the best on my knowledge, I solved the issue how the department has it outline in the Police Manual. By following my training this is how I came to my decision and I acted on it.” With that officer, would not be in as much trouble because they used an ethical decision to solve a problem. If that same officer solved an issue using an unethical decision they would not be able to articulate the reason behind their decision making which could land them out of a job or even in jail. So, when it
Police officers take an oath to protect and serve the community. The community looks to police as a leader. I believe leaders set the standards, so police officers should be held to higher standards than the general public. Police officers are considered to be at the top of the organization chart. A wise saying states, “If the head (brain) is not working correctly the other parts of the body is lost.” The police are considered to be the head and the community is the other part. How could they enforce the laws that have been set by the government if they had no ethics and morals? There would be complete turmoil through the country.
To begin with, some individuals believe that police officers are doing their job. They state that police are performing what needs to be done and that it is the correct action to take. Often times, police say that they are left with no other choices and that it was their only option. Police are not doing their job, allowing themselves way too much. Police officers often shoot innocent people because they of their suspicions. High numbers of “people have been influenced by the excessive bashing of the police” (Toy). Throughout decades, police have been way too aggressive. They often invade the privacy of other individuals and racially profile citizens without even realizing what they have done. Police should not conclude