
Noble Cause Corruption Essay

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With the mentality that they need to do anything necessary and the community thinking the same thing because they feel that this is an officer job, it could push them to behave unethical. Perez and Moore (2013) points out that police officers are face with situations where the people in the community is telling them every day to either get the gangs or guns out their neighborhood and keep the drugs out and away from the kids and do they don’t care about the cost that this demand could have on others. “Unlike any other form of misconduct, noble cause corruption is often accompanied by a significant amount of community support (Perez & Moore, 2013, p. 195). At the end of the day everybody rights is important whether they are or not a criminal …show more content…

One can also see this in traffic violation. Earlier the point of searching ones property was brought up because a person can refuse to have their car search if there is no evidence that they did something wrong and no warrant, but because people do not know this an officer can use their authority power to push this. Just like, if someone was pulled over for drunk driving and the officer feel that they will not remember what happen that night, so they do not tell them of their rights. Which is that they can refuse to take the test and that the test may cause their license to be suspended (Martinelli, 2016). Then the situation later could come upon the statement of his words verse mines in these situation. These may be a reason why some of these situation is not reported by the public because they are not sure of their rights and police authority. Most people in the community thinks that police officers has the authority to do what they see in the streets and for most they are displaying ethical behavior, but for some they are not and many do not know the difference between the two which makes it hard to know, if it is going on in the department. What it takes is for officers to have a balance in governing other and controlling themselves in certain situations (Harrison, 1999). By police officers using unethical conduct to get just means it destroys our justice

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