
Noise In Chicago Airport

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Sound is very much important to our daily live, but noise is not. Noise is used as an annoying sound. Most of us every time hear the sounds in everyday life, likewise the traffic, the television, loud music, people talking on their phone and even pets shouting in the middle of the night. A lot of these things have become a part of the culture and hardly annoys us. Moreover, noise is made by big trucks, household gadgets, vehicles, motorbikes on the road, loud speakers and jet planes and helicopters’ flying over cites, etc. However, airplanes have been an effective noise pollution which the community members living in the suburban nearby the airport are disturbed by the jet noise that planes are making while departing and arriving to …show more content…

In addition, according to the Chicago tribune More than 515,000 O'Hare jet noise complaints from Chicago and suburban residents were filed with the city during the first three months of this year, according to city data provided to the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission. Many residents, especially people living east and west of O'Hare, say the increase in flights is intolerable and that planes appear to be flying lower than they did before O'Hare flight patterns were changed in late 2013 when a new east-west runway …show more content…

Under the city's plans, in August an existing diagonal runway will be closed. Another diagonal runway is slated to be closed in 2020.Several Chicago-area members of the Illinois delegation in Congress, groups representing O'Hare noise opponents and a few Chicago aldermen have called on the Emanuel administration and the FAA to keep all four of O'Hare's diagonal runways and to utilize them more to spread out flights over the city and suburbs. The new study released on Wednesday June 10th, 2015 relied in part on the latest FAA flight data for O'Hare and projections extending well into the 2030s to argue that the sixth east-west parallel runway and a proposed extension of an existing parallel runway are not needed to serve anticipated passenger demand. The consultants working for the Suburban O'Hare Commission which include JDA Aviation Technology Solutions and Lock ridge Grindal Nauen Aviation, both based in the Washington area. (O’Hare

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