Characters Nola Mom Canaan Personality Nola has a very sensitive personality. She tends to get sad over silly stuff and is very easily put down. An example of this is when she says “After I gave Canaan a hug I began crying.” -pg.261, This show how sensitive she is. The mom in the story has a very caring personality. She shows this when she says: “Oh Nola you Baby, you never burden me. I just want you to be able to tell me when something's wrong so I can help you figure it out.” -pg. 234 Canaan has a very tempered personality. I could see this because every time something happened that he got mad about he blew up. One example of this is when Nola told Canaan that he was not her friend anymore so he took her best friends dog a abused it. …show more content…
Weather: Hot/Sunny Plot School gets out for Nola and her neighbors aka the swift boys. They try to get a bunch of odd jobs so they can afford to go to the circus. The boys dad then walks out on Nola’s neighbors and their mom. The boys are so depressed they no longer want to have anything to do with Nola or going to the circus Nola finds new friends and then sees that the boys have fallen in with the wrong crowd Nolas mom gets engaged. Nola finds the Swift boys dad. She finds out the boys dad cheated on their mom and is now getting remarried to a young waitress in a town over. Nola begins talking to one of the Swift boys again, Nolas moms wedding is on the same day of the circus so they can no longer go. Nola becomes better friends with the kids in the neighborhood Nola’s mom gets married and they move across town On the way across town Nola and her mom stop at a garage sale and they are selling a trampoline, so since they didn't get to go the circus Nola uses her money to buy the trampoline for the Swift boys. Main Conflict: Man vs. Man Plot Devices used Flashbacks: The book flashes back to 5 years ago and the past
I know what every colored woman in this country is doing.” … “Dying. Just like me. But the difference is they dying like a stump. Me, I’m going down like one of those redwoods. I sure did live in this world.” “Really? What have you got to show for it?” “Show? To who? Girl, I got my mind. And what goes on in it. Which is to say, I got me.” “Lonely, ain’t it?” “Yes. But my lonely is mine. Now your lonely is somebody else’s. Made by somebody else and handed to you. Ain’t that something? A secondhand lonely.” (Morrison,...). This is yet another example of how Nel doesn’t have an identity to call her own. This highlights the fact that Nel follows the crowd. Adding on, in Chapter 11 Nel visits Sula’s grandmother and Morrison verbalizes “Tell me how you killed that little boy.” … “The one you threw in the water. I got oranges. How did you get him to go in the water?” “I didn’t throw no little boy in the river. That was Sula.” “You. Sula. What’s the difference? You was there. You watched, didn’t you? Me, I never would’ve watched.” … “Why are you trying to make out like I did it?” Eva stopped ironing and looked at Nel. For the first time her eyes looked sane. “You think I’m guilty?” Nel was whispering. … “You ain’t answered me yet.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Just alike. Both of you. Never was no difference between you. Want
In chapter 1919, Nel’s mother, Helene and her family are introduced. Her grandmother raised Helene to her very best unlike her mother Rochelle, who was a creole whore and did not take care of her. Helene later married a seaman named, Wiley Wright. This marriage in the story was a somewhat of a success in terms of a heteronormative institution because they had raised Nel making her “obedient and polite” (Morrison 23). Unlike Helene, Sula’s mother, Hannah Peace, never really gave orders and directions to Sula, and Nel enjoyed this while Sula enjoyed staying at Nel’s tidy and neat home. Before Eva peace gave birth to her children and took in the Dewey brothers, she had married a man named, BoyBoy. Their marriage was a disaster as it was filled with unfaithfulness, lack of
The policy “bread and circuses” is a system made up during the Pax Romana. To keep the people of Rome ignorant to ensure that they will never rebel against their own government when the Roman Republic turn into an Empire. The Roman Empire will keep the people distracted by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles. The Roman Empire would pay for bread and circuses by collecting taxes from the people.
(29; 28) Most important of all the changes the train trip provides, though, is Nel’s newfound “strength to cultivate a friend in spite of her mother.” (29) This strength opens the door for Sula to change her life.
The relationship first starts to take a turn for the worst when Sula accidentally kills a local boy named Chicken Little, by throwing him into the river. The town never finds out who is responsible for his death, mostly due to the girls silence. Though Nel played no roll in Chicken Little?s death, she stands by Sula and tells no one about what she saw that day at the river. At his funeral, ?[the two] held hands and knew that only the held hands and knew that only the coffin would lie in the earth, the bubbly laughter and the press of fingers in the palm would stay aboveground forever? (Morrison 66). Nel?s silence in support of Sula is the first instance when Sula takes advantage of Nel, relying on her in order to survive.
Dan and Chris were so excited, they were going to “Barlow’s Great North American Circus” the circus has just come to their town of Smyrna. “Chris we have to go we are going to be late the circus opens at 6:00 and its 5:30” Dan said franticly. “Calm down Dan, the circus is only 15 minutes away from here” Chris said. As Dan and Chris got on their bikes and started riding to the circus, Dan was thinking about how scared he was of elephants. “You okay Dan, you seem kind of flustered” Chris said in a concerned tone. “I’m fine let’s just get there okay” Dan said sternly.
Knowles wants to show with A Separate Peace that so much can be missed when one does not properly communicate their feelings with someone else they are supposed to trust. Just like Gene wound up seriously crippling Finny due to a hidden misconception, anyone can hurt those who are close to them in a similar way. Knowles wants the audience to learn from the boys’ mistakes in order to cultivate healthier relationships with one another that seek to better those in them, rather than to tear one another
I comfortably drive my car into the desolate street, Perusing the deserted buildings, Smashes windows and rusted For Sale signs. The car locked up like Fort Knox. I observe the street for trouble. Two young boys look at me from afar as if I'm an alien. Do I stand out that much same greasy hair, expensive clothes, a smart car I suppose I am out of my comfort zone? “Mister, you don’t belong here” his hand gripped his switch. “Pony.... Ponyboy Curtis” I stammer “I live here or at least I did, I'm here to see two-bit’ The Boys turn around “geez his old now” the boy's chirp. The boys stroll away in awe that they saw the great Ponyboy.
The circus is a wonderful and breathtaking experience and most people dream about going to a circus. The circus is full of exciting, fun activities, bright lights and the smell of crackerjack. Although the circus may seem like a fantastic idea, the circus during the Great Depression behind the closed curtains are not. During the Great Depression there was not much regulation which led to the mistreatment of the circus workers and the animals in the menagerie. Since it is during this time period, food and money were incredibly scarce. Workers were often times left unpaid and hungry, and sometimes even red lighted, which is the act of throwing someone off of a moving train which was done in order to save money in the circus. This is seen in the novel, Water for Elephants, and Sara Gruen highlights the imperfections of the circus. There also was not enough caretakers for the exotic animals in the menagerie and the animals were often times mistreated. Because of the Great Depression nothing was regulated or enforced so the money hungry circus owner operated business as he so desired. In Water for Elephants highlights the theme throughout the entire novel how deceiving the really is, but how the audience continues to perceive
The climax of the story is when Nel finally confronts Sula. Each girl carried demons, guilt, and frustration over their lives and their choices. Nel finally vents her anger and pain and asks for an explanation from Sula. Nel's " thighs were truly empty and dead too, and it was Sula who had taken the life from them" (Morrison pg. 110-111). After leaving Eva at the home, Nel is so upset that she heads to Sula's grave. She sadly thinks about how none of the townspeople mourned her death. Nel calls out for Sula and it is then she finally forgives her for cheating with Jude. She starts crying, for the first time in years. Nel finally finds peace by grieving for Sula. When reading that part I think it was then that she realized it was Sula who she was missing & not Jude. When reading the story I couldn’t help but feel mixed emotions for Sula. It was a combination of sadness for all
Nola was once an awkward girl, overweight, unhappy. She was prone to sharing her random knowledge when she was younger, much to the disappointment of her parents. “When they were alone Mr. Dietrich
Circus is a travelling show that is often performed in a tent that includes trained animals, clowns , acrobats and other stunts performers. All of these performers needed to practise hard and as best as they can to make the show run smoothly , safetly and entertaining. As if they make a mistake, it could ruin their performance in any ways.
Nel, however, is exposed to outside elements that allow her to have a glimpse of feminine independence. She is introduced to her prostitute grandmother, and she also becomes a good friend to Sula. When she spends time in Sula's home, she sees the looser lifestyle of Sula's family. Although she is interested, and wants to change to a more independent lifestyle, she does not. She marries young, following in the footsteps of her mother.
The life of a circus animal is hard and demanding. It is not an acceptable way of life for an animal. Circuses would quickly lose their appeal if the public were more aware of their mistreatments of these animals. Many circuses do not have much money and as a result the animals suffer from inadequate care. These animals spend most of their time in small cages used for transportation. The Animal Welfare Act provides cage requirements, but many circuses fail to follow this law. Even the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus was cited for 65 violations over a two-year period according to Florence Lambert. When traveling, animals spend hours, even days between sites in confinement..
The amount of risk that the circus performers have to deal with on a daily basis is flat out remarkable. They look a death and danger and smile like its nothing to them. Only a special group of people to have enough courage, or as some might say “stupidity” to do this line of work and love it. But the greatest thing of all about them is that they don't care how dangerous something is, if they think they can do it, they will do what ever it takes to accomplish it. We can all learn from that kind of