
Nola Canaan Character Traits

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Characters Nola Mom Canaan Personality Nola has a very sensitive personality. She tends to get sad over silly stuff and is very easily put down. An example of this is when she says “After I gave Canaan a hug I began crying.” -pg.261, This show how sensitive she is. The mom in the story has a very caring personality. She shows this when she says: “Oh Nola you Baby, you never burden me. I just want you to be able to tell me when something's wrong so I can help you figure it out.” -pg. 234 Canaan has a very tempered personality. I could see this because every time something happened that he got mad about he blew up. One example of this is when Nola told Canaan that he was not her friend anymore so he took her best friends dog a abused it. …show more content…

Weather: Hot/Sunny Plot School gets out for Nola and her neighbors aka the swift boys. They try to get a bunch of odd jobs so they can afford to go to the circus. The boys dad then walks out on Nola’s neighbors and their mom. The boys are so depressed they no longer want to have anything to do with Nola or going to the circus Nola finds new friends and then sees that the boys have fallen in with the wrong crowd Nolas mom gets engaged. Nola finds the Swift boys dad. She finds out the boys dad cheated on their mom and is now getting remarried to a young waitress in a town over. Nola begins talking to one of the Swift boys again, Nolas moms wedding is on the same day of the circus so they can no longer go. Nola becomes better friends with the kids in the neighborhood Nola’s mom gets married and they move across town On the way across town Nola and her mom stop at a garage sale and they are selling a trampoline, so since they didn't get to go the circus Nola uses her money to buy the trampoline for the Swift boys. Main Conflict: Man vs. Man Plot Devices used Flashbacks: The book flashes back to 5 years ago and the past

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