Force: a verb, which is defined as: coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence. Force was a key method pastoral nomads used to overthrow settled communities during the Nomadic Invasions and Migrations period during 2000 to 1700 B.C.E. The pastoralists and the settled people disagreed on many things and had very different ways of living. For example, the Aryan’s, located in Northern India, were polytheistic, while the settled people believed in only one god. Some societies disagreed on whether farming or breeding animals was most beneficial to the prosperity of their community. Because of variance in opinion, societies couldn’t live in a unified manner -- one society had to lead. Through primary sources, like the …show more content…
After the Aryans (a very patriarchal and militaristic group of pastoral nomads) invaded and destroyed the Indus River Valley civilization, they took charge. The Aryans already were superior -- they had demolished an entire settlement. This left the original settled people scared, and being scared, easily controllable. The Aryans then wrote the Lawbook of Manu, which is the origin of a caste system known as the Varna system that is still in practice today. The Varna system, which placed people into a social category, was a way to categorize and create, in the writers of the Lawbook of Manu’s eyes, a well-run society. In the Lawbook of Manu it states: “For the sake of the prosperity of the worlds, he created the Brahman, the Kshatriya, the Vaishya, and the Shudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs and his feet…"2The four different groups of people were initiated to create a society in which everyone knew their place. the Brahman (the voices of society) were the religious leaders, the Kshatriya (the arms of society) were the warriors, the Vaishya (the thighs of society) the workers, and the Shudra (the feet of society), who “served meekly to the three other castes” and were generally the former Indus River Valley people. The last caste, the Shudra, didn’t have a religious …show more content…
In Mesopotamia, the Babylonians (another group of pastoral nomads) invaded and conquered Sumer, following a similar method to the Aryans. They also similarly kept laws that tied the poor and inferior to a stake. Hammurabi, one of the kings of Babylon, went on a mission to create a list of rules for people to follow, but in order for him to be worthy of this, Hammurabi made sure he had religious legitimacy. He did this by portraying an image of himself next to the Shamash, god of light and prosperity, to show that he was worthy of this god’s attention. Hammurabi completely glorified himself. Furthermore, he thought of himself as fair and revolutionary, which is why there was so much appeal to his name. Some laws that he created benefitted society, but other laws were made to benefit the indigenous people really just kept them in their boxes. “If he has broken another seignior’s bone, they shall break his bone. If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has destroyed the eye of a seignior’s slave or broken the bone of a seignior’s slave, he shall pay one-half his value."3This was another method that, in Hammurabi’s eyes, kept people where they belonged. Even though
Firstly, the caste system reflects the inequality of Indian society. Although religion in India is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices, majority of Indian population follow Hinduism. Therefore, the dominance of Hinduism beliefs is common in India. There is a belief in caste system, as Brood said, “a system of hierarchical social organization”1. Hindu society is divided into four main classes; the priestly class, the warrior and administrator class, the producer class who is farmers and merchants and the servant class. The remaining group of people who is “outcastes” is called “untouchables” or dalit. Brodd recognizes “dalits continue to suffer terrible oppression, especially in rural communities in India”. I still could not imagine how terrible this bottom class suffers until reading Max Bearak article. All sufferings of Rohith Vemula, from the hardships of growing up poor, interactions with society in caste to scholarship revoke and suicide, happened tragically because he was born in a dalit family. This is the
After the Neolithic Revolution people had the opportunity to settle as they pleased. This allowed for the development of civilizations. These civilizations had rulers, during the 18th century BCE Hammurabi was the King of Babylon. He ruled over ancient Mesopotamia and established a set of rules for his nation. Hammurabi claimed that Shamash, the god of heaven and earth, had given him these rules and the authority to carry them out. Hammurabi’s Code included two hundred and eighty-two laws that set a structure for the city-state of Mesopotamia. Family matters, property law, and even personal matters were ruled unfairly under Hammurabi’s Code.
The caste system initially served to maintain strict social boundaries between the invaders and the previous inhabitants. Through the generations, the origins of the caste system were forgotten and it became the general rule of a single society (University of Wyoming, 1997).
India had a Caste system, with thousands of different casts, but at the very top were the Brahmins, and at the very bottom were the untouchables. This system eliminated the need for a very big
But eventually all good things must come to an end. After one hundred years of peace the city states dissolved again and they no longer were a major power after two thousand B.C.. Now, they were defenseless and open to attack so King Hammurabi of their northern rival Babylonia took over in the seventeen thousands B.C.. King Hammurabi called his new empire the Babylonian Empire. He created and ruled this empire from seventeen eighty seven B.C. to seventeen fifty B.C.He did this by conquering the city states of Sumer and lands far north.During his time period of rule he created roads which made travel easier so in turn this encouraged trade. Babylonians location made it a crossroad of trade so if caverns were making their way to Sumer or Assyria they would stop by the bazaars to trade things. All this trade made them very rich. Agriculture also made them very rich. King Hammurabi also made the beautiful city of Babylon the center of Babylonian, but his main accomplishment was his code or a organized list of laws. His code was made to settle conflicts in all areas of life. Now, keep in mind it was not fair because the punishment would depended on the rank of the victim and the lawbreaker.So if you were a commoner and you stole a slaves spoon you might have to return it and give the slave some money, but if it were a noble you stole the spoon from, you might get killed. Even if you broke the law by accident you would still have to pay the price.This code
What are the four major castes? What implications does the caste system have for everyday life? How does the caste system relate to Hindu ideas of spiritual life? “The four major castes of Hindu society are; seers ( brahmins ), administrators ( kshatriyas ), artisans or farmers ( vaishyas ), and followers or servants ( shudras)”( Smith 56). Smith writes, religious leaders, teachers, artists, and philosophers are members of the first caste, brahmins, khatriyas, the second caste, first known as warriors are now managers. The tillers of the land, the makers of bricks, and the builders are part of the third caste, vaishyas. The fourth caste is made up of servants, those who will take care of the other castes’ needs (56)”. While I was working in India, summer of 2001 and there at the invitation of the richest family in India and staying at one of their compounds, some of my co-workers and I were playing snooker. A young boy walked into the room where we were playing. He stopped and talked to us for a few minutes before continuing to bed. Accompanied by a man of about twenty years old, the boy’s shudra, who had been the boy’s personal servant for ten or more years. The shudra’s purpose was to protect and serve his charge’s every need. Although there is inequality between castes, Smith denotes.“ within each caste, there is equality, opportunity, and social insurance ( 57)”. Although the text
The Human Record’s “The Judgements of Hammurabi” is a primary source that demonstrates Hammurabi’s code for Babylonian society on many issues, including property, marriage, and personal injury. Hammurabi starts the prologue explaining that Marduk, chief god of Babylon, allowed him to become “governor of men” and establish justice for the people. This lets the reader know that Hammurabi was the leader and why he created the laws that he did. Hammurabi’s code allowed for Babylonian justice to be based on the social status of the individuals within the society, which tells us that the people in this society were not treated equally.
Hindus were divided by their social status, called the caste system. This made Hindus fall under one of the varnas such as Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and the Untouchables (Strayer, 150-168). Priests and teachers were classified as Brahmins, warriors and kings were Kshatriya, merchants and landowners were known as Vaishya, peasants and serfs were classified as Shudras, and those that didn’t have a place on the caste system were defined as the untouchables because they had no social status. Hindus were unable to change their position in the caste system, until after reincarnation (Strayer, 150-168). There are scriptures such as the sacred text, The Vedas, and it leads to the fact that Brahmins empowered and dominated the top of the caste system and played specific roles in the religious lives of the people even from the start of India’s influence. Hindus became adjusted with these scared texts and grew used to it. They learned to follow religious values and traditions to have a better after life.
Japanese-Americans were forced to evacuate from coastal areas following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. A massive amount of Americans who were not of Japanese descent believed that the Japanese community could not be trusted, so the government felt that it was necessary to remove them from their homes and place them in camps located away from militarized coastal regions. This was a controversial decision at the time and still receives criticism today for going against typical American constitutional values centering around citizen’s unalienable rights. Through the research of many letters written during Japanese internment or reflecting on the event, it seems that Japanese-Americans of that time period had mixed feelings about being relocated and the majority of the community was upset that they were viewed and treated differently than other Americans but did acknowledge that the overall treatment they received at camp was fair. Japanese Internment camps were psychologically damaging to Japanese-Americans due to the racist nature of selective forced evacuation, and the Japanese community was more upset about being removed from their homes than how they were treated at camp.
Firstly, our current pharmacare system does not provide access to individuals who need prescription drugs and are unable to afford it (Morgan, Daw and Law 2014). Prescription drugs are inputs into the broader health care system. As such, if prescription drugs are taken on time, this allows the healthcare system to meet patient health needs (Morgan, Daw and Law 2014). Secondly, our current pharmacare system does not ensure that the financial costs associated with necessary medicine are equally distributed (Morgan, Daw and Law 2014). Unequal distribution of the costs of necessary medicine can further drive income inequality (Morgan, Daw and Law 2014). Also, employers are under no obligation to continue providing private insurance for their employees
By definition, use of force refers to the amounts of efforts that a police officer may need to use to compel an unwilling subject to comply. In general ideology, police officers should never exact more force than the required with the aim of controlling an incident, or when making an arrest as well as when protecting the public or their selves from some form of imminent danger (NIJ, 2012).
During the Vedic Age of Indian civilization, it is believed that after the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization some of the kinship groups and patriarchal families migrated into India. As some within the Aryas tribe (light-skinned) entered into the Ganges Valley, they encountered a struggle with the Dasas tribe (dark-skinned) but managed to force the tribe into southern India. The struggle between the tribes led to the development of the Varna class system. Under this system, people were born
However what is force? Also how does it impact the community? Use of force is defined in 7 levels, and used in the
The caste system itself is a system of social stratification, based on two concepts, varna and jati. Varna
Our text book tells us that Aryans became dominant in north India. In Sanskrit text the Indo-Aryan developed the caste and the Brahman religion. The Brahman religion developed into Hinduism. (Beck et al.) India’s caste system there is 4 caste or social levels of people. At the top there is the Bhramin which are the priests and teachers. Second is the Kshatryia which are the leaders and warriors. Third is the Vaishya which are the merchants and landowners. Fourth is the Sundra which are commoners, peasants, and servants. Not considered in the caste system is the untouchables which are the outcasts. They held the lowest valued jobs such as street sweepers, latrine cleaners, and slaughter house workers. The caste system in India forbids people from mingling with other levels of castes. What caste level you were born into you were required to stay at that level. There was no