
Non Adopted Children

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This study is designed to display how children who are adopted show more instances of problems with behavior than children raised by their biological parents. The participants will be children between the ages of thirteen to sixteen. All of the students will be unaware of the reasoning for the observation. The results will be collected from the observation of non-adopted and adopted students. In this study, the participants will be observed and documented when there is negative behavior displayed. A questionnaire survey will be given to both adopted and non-adopted students. The predicted conclusion will indicate that the increase of age in adopted children increases the level and instances of behavioral problems.

How Adopted Children Behavior Varies
In the last decade over 200,000 children were adopted internationally into homes in the United States (U.S. Department of State 2006), and many of these children were raised in institutions prior to adoption. Post-institutionalized (PI) children are at higher risk for behavior problems than non-adopted children reared in their birth families and children adopted from non-institutional settings (MacLean 2003; Rutter et al. 2007). Psychosocial deprivation characteristic of institutions, including frequent changes in caregivers, high child-to-caregiver ratios, and the lack of …show more content…

Empirical literature has suggested that adopted children are at increased risk for developing emotional and behavioral problems. Research with clinical populations has shown an over-representation of adopted children and adolescents in clinical populations. However, the extent of the over-representation has varied widely. While adopted children have been estimated to make up roughly 2% of the population (Hersov, 1990; Zill,

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