Nowadays, many cosmetic companies are beginning to reduce the amount of testing done on animals before producing the product on stock. The non-animal approach researchers conducted was the genotoxicity. In vitro tests was a big part of genotoxicity and provides information on three genetic endpoints; mutagenicity at a gene level, chromosomes breakage or rearrangements, and numerical chromosome aberrations. Before this, in vivo genotoxicity studies were used to evaluate the importance of positive in vitro discovery for cosmetic ingredients. However, conducting in vivo genotoxicity procedures were banned due to the Seventh Amendment to the Cosmetics Directive. Four years following, the repeated dose toxicity test was banned also. The article then transitions into discussing the basic test for testing cosmetic ingredients. The test is as follows: first, the test for gene mutation and then a test for clastogenicity and aneugenicity. If these test results come out negative, further testing is not required. To conclude, researchers are always trying to discover new ways to test for cosmetics based on a non-animal approach. …show more content…
The authors gave a descriptive article on the different types of alternative animal testing for cosmetics. In addition, the authors of this article is affiliated with the Miami Valley Laboratories and Kanebo Cosmetics. The publication of this article was in 2010, which is relatively recent. These authors have published many academic journals concerning the safety assessment of cosmetics. This journal article supports my research question by stating the different possible alternatives of animal testing on cosmetics before they are produced onto
Animal testing should not be used in cosmetic industries as a source of experimentation because it is unethical and inefficient. It is a cruel way of trying to find results that are not even always trustworthy. Everyone has a different reaction to different chemicals so why even bother animals for testing? Also different species can respond differently when exposed to the same chemical so animal testing can be inefficient. The results from animal tests can be quite variable and difficult to interpret therefore it may not be applicable to human beings. Thus, consumer safety still cannot be guaranteed even after these gruesome tests which are totally unethical. It is also unethical to torture and end the lives of these animals each year for our own luxury. Everyday cosmetic industries are using defenseless animals very cruelly just to carry out some most often useless tests. Instead they should use other alternatives which has been proved to yield better and accurate results than tests involving animals.
When using your cosmetic products on a daily basis, do you think of all the animals harmed and killed in the making? Cosmetics include products used by us every day, such as toothpaste, makeup, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. In the 1930s, the United States Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act compelled cosmetic companies to start testing the safety of their products on animals, beginning a long journey of violating animal rights. Since then, laws have changed, allowing companies to use alternatives that do not involve animals to test the safety of their products. Even though companies are not mandated to test on animals anymore, some still choose to do so for various reasons. Therefore, animal testing in the cosmetic industry is immoral because it is not mandatory and violates animals rights, and it has to end.
Many of the cosmetics that we use every day have also been tested on animals. The number of animals used for cosmetic testing has been greatly reduced as the potential hazards have been eliminated. Products such as sunscreens, anti-dandruff shampoos, fluoride toothpaste, and anti-acne creams could not have been proven safe without the use of animal testing since they contain ingredients that cause a chemical change in the body that could be harmful, even deadly. Without these safety tests, it would be impossible to ensure that these products are safe.
It is no secret that millions of animals a year are used for medical experimentation. One study “found the number of animals tested rose from 1,566,994 in 1997 to 2,705,772 in 2012” (Casey). It is my belief that researchers use virtue theory to defend their experimentations. While animal activists approach experimentation through the ethics of care. I am against animal experimentation, but I will also provide insight into why people believe it is ethically just.
are not able to give consent for this as would be required of a human. Other
Animal testing has become a controversial issue among many people in the world today. Some of these people involved in this controversial debate believe that animal testing is unethical and should be replaced by other methods. The other group of people in this debate believe that animal testing is necessary in order to research new products that cannot be tested on humans. Traditional animal testing forces animals to undergo numerous experiments for different forms of research. Medical, cosmetic, and many other types of research experiments use animals to provide the results on how the new product may affect humans. There are many people that support the use of alternative methods to animal research and then
Each year, thousands of animals are brutally tortured in laboratories, in the name of cosmetic research. A movement to ban animal testing for cosmetic purposes has been gaining popularity, with many companies hopping on the bandwagon against this research. New alternatives have been developed to eliminate the necessity to test on animals. This is only a small beginning of what is necessary to end these immoral acts. Animal testing in cosmetics is useless and cruel, and can be accomplished by other methods of research to end the suffering of animals.
Millions of animals every year are being used in labs to test cosmetics. This problem has become a worldwide issue and the U.S. needs to make a change by prohibiting the use of animals in testing cosmetics for safe use.
Many advancements have been made in finding chemical testing alternatives. They have found ways to use computers and artificial skin samples when testing makeup products. This has not only led to different countries banning the practice of animal testing altogether but made the consumers who are not comfortable purchasing non cruelty free products happy. Yet with all of these positives animal testing is still used by many makeup companies. The requirement of testing makeup products has caused makeup companies to rely on animals to be used as test subjects. This reliance has resulted in many animals being damaged, resulting in a loss of consumers. Instead of settling with the traditional practices, makeup companies should look into skin alternatives to testing on animals.
Many of the largest brands in beauty 's billion dollar industry are still continuing to test products on animals. Based on prior knowledge, there are various companies that do not test on animals. While there are big brand companies that continue to test on animals, like mice and rabbits. The purpose of this research is to examine the dangers of testing cosmetic products on animals, along with examining possible effective and safe ways to test products. Gathering information through qualitative and quantitative data from the internet, documentaries, and company reports, new articles, and interviews. All together the report should identify if there is a true difference in the different in the products on the market; enhance the knowledge; and precaution of the consumers.
This source discusses the controversial debate on allowing animal testing. It explains the logic behind banning animal experimentation and why there are so many organizations fighting against it. It also analysis the history behind the Animal Welfare Act and reasons that made individuals agree with such events. This is article is very credible when it comes to facts and it gives a summarized history of the beginning of the disagreement of animal testing in the cosmetic industry. It also gives a new perspective of this controversial debate and explains how this disagreement has stretched further and further until it has lead to much advancement in the medical field.
Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics has decreased over the years. However, it is still used by many companies in America. Animal testing is not only cruel, but it is also unnecessary in today’s advanced scientific world.
The US Food and Drug Administration endorses the use of animal tests on cosmetics to ensure the safety of the product and ingredients. Mosquito repellant which helps protect people from Malaria and other dangerous illnesses, must undergo toxicological tests in order to be sold in the United States. ( It has been estimated that millions of animals per year are used to test the safety of household cleaners, pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives, packing materials, drugs and vaccines for both people and animals, and even the food eaten by other animals. The use of animals to test cosmetics and other care products has declined in recent years, a wide array of non-animal skin and eye irritation tests have been developed to determine the effects of short term exposure to new ingredients. The pressure from the public has played a major role in these alternatives.
Millions of animals are being unneedlessly tested on for cosmetics, even though there are plenty of alternatives available and most of the results are unreliable or not applicable to humans. Although the fight against animal testing has made huge progress recently, America has yet to stop this cruel practice and chooses to torture animals while other countries are making a stop to the testing (“Animal Testing 101”).
“Beauty without cruelty” is the outcry that can be heard from animal right activists around the world. The FDA does not require companies to perform tests on animals but if the cosmetic product contains chemicals that can be seen as toxins, testing becomes a necessity. There are currently thirteen safety tests that are performed on animals.