
Non Pharmacological Complementary And Alternative Treatments With Conventional Medicine Essay

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Policy statement Incorporate non-pharmacological complementary and alternative treatments with conventional medicine to treat complex chronic pain conditions as a collaborative and integral part of the health care system. Supporting background research Chronic pain is a serious problem with more than 40 million adults suffering from severe pain as reported by the National Institute for Health (NIH) (2010). According to the NIH (2010), chronic pain sufferers use more health care, have worse overall health, and have more disability. The NIH estimates the economic cost of chronic pain at $635 billion annually within the United States from both healthcare costs and lost worker productivity (NIH, 2010). The American Academy of Pain Management (AAPM) stated that yearly, millions of people suffer from acute or chronic pain, which exacts a tremendous cost in health care costs, rehabilitation, and lost worker productivity along with an emotional and financial burden on people and their families (n.d.). According to the AAPM, the costs of unrelieved pain are more than just the physical pain as unrelieved pain can result in longer hospital stays, increased rate of re-hospitalization, increased outpatient visits, and decreased ability to function fully leading to lost income and insurance coverage due to inability to work (n.d). The AAPM (n.d) reports the most commonly reported chronic pain conditions as low back pain (27%), headache or migraine pain (15%), neck pain (15%), and

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