I am applying to the Master’s program of Non-Profit Management at Northeastern University, because I believe it will help to prepare me to achieve my career goal of being an executive director of a non-profit organization. When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I distinctly remember her worries about taking care of herself, her children, and making the most of her life. I also remember her fears being less prevalent when she began receiving assistance from non-profit organizations that helped her with medical issues but also help her get through her daily routine. As I saw my mother enjoy time with her family before her passing, I saw that unique and important role that non-profit organizations had in society. It also made me want to use my education and personal experiences to help those in need.
From this program, I expect to learn the skills on how to be successful in the non-profit
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The classroom gave me the ability to write well thought out research papers, perfect my presentation skills, and also learn how to analyze policy and documents efficiently and accurately. Outside of the classroom, I held a variety of positons that would attribute to my success in this distinct graduate program. In my senior year, I held the title of Senior Peer Advisor. In this role, I was given the opportunity to design programs and workshops, and train mentors in order to help the transition of freshmen into our college community easier. This role gave me the ability to center my work on the specific purpose of the peer advising program, and use my skills to ensure that the freshmen class reeked the benefits of it. Being a mentor within this program as well, also helped me to build bonds with the freshmen that I specifically worked with. This program exemplifies what I hope to continue in my graduate experience at Northeastern
My Not-for-Profit organization is called Leave the Green to Us. Leave the Green to Us is an organization that involves lawn care. It supports the elderly and the people that are disabled. What does it do you may asked, it helps the elderly and disabled to assist them in their home property. They do a lot of lawn cutting, planting flowers, fertilizing grass, trimming bushes and trees. Our mission statement is: We share the care and lend a helping hand. Any age can come in and help, our organization is made up of students and adults who are eager to help. My personal role in Leave the Green to Us is to organize the volunteers and to provide the services needed for each customer. I also organize the fund raisers and meet with all of the customers
As an assignment for a public radio station I volunteered at, my partner and I were assigned to get sound bites. The Ralph’s in Downtown L.A. was featuring Homegirl Industries mango salsa in their deli section (Hirsch, 2009). At the event, most of the news outlets there focused on getting quotes from mayor Villaraigosa. This made it easier for my partner and I to get quotes from young adults that were part of Homeboy Industries. Through this assignment, I learned about the non-profit group and its goal to transform the lives of former gang members. This paper focuses on the non-profit organization Homeboy Industries and its contributions to the cultural region. The beginning focuses on the brief history of gang activity in Los Angeles, and
Nonprofits represent a huge sector in the United States that includes hundreds of thousands of different organizations. Community-based organizations VISIONS and the Center for Comprehensive Health Practice (CCHP) where I conducted informational interviews represent a significant segment of a community and provide human, social and education services that help to ensure a decent standard of community living. Organizations address the issues that affect the individuals in the society as well as a community. Both organizations provide a series of charitable activities that bring improvement and create sustained social change in the community.
The non-profit I have chosen for my leadership project is the East Cooper Community Outreach program. This program is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989 to assist victims after Hurricane Hugo. East Cooper Community Outreach, also known as ECCO, offers assistance to the numerous people in Mount Pleasant living at the poverty level, also known as the “working poor.” ECCO is essential to the community and we will learn about this organization’s genesis and the significant ways it has contributed to the residents of East Cooper.
In this week’s lesson we are looking at the importance of having a chart of accounts in our nonprofit business. At HOPE which is the business that I support. The main focus is to house and provide support to those who are homeless, mentally ill and may be struggling with dual issues. Because there is a need in a nonprofit to show measurements to determine success in each area. Charts are created for every service area the HOPE supports ( Margolis, S. (2014, 11).
The non-profit I have chosen for my leadership project is the East Cooper Community Outreach program. This program is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989 to assist victims following the devastation of Hurricane Hugo. East Cooper Community Outreach, also known as ECCO, offers assistance to the numerous people in Mount Pleasant subsisting at the poverty level, also recognized as the “working poor.” ECCO is essential to the community and we will learn about this organization’s genesis and the significant ways it has contributed to the residents of East Cooper.
It is easily to find out that Windfall has contributed to the community a lot. Also, Kate Ogles gave us some background information about herself and how she got involved into the dancing organizations. She has been dancing for over 20 years and is still dancing now, which is very amazing! She had the experiences of teaching ballet classes before with pre-school and elementary students. She has been active on the board of Windfall for approximately 17 years. She told us that it definitely needed passion to get involved into the nonprofit organizations, and she also needed to be in charge of many different aspects of the organizations, and she definitely suggested us to take some business classes in order to be prepared of financial elements that we may face in the future when we work for nonprofit
Just like I am better able to serve the Head Start families due to my educational background on the inner workings of poverty; learning about the inner workings of non-profits will qualify me as a leader who can effect change on a larger scale within ABCD. I want to attend this program to learn the detailed, complex elements and skills that are necessary to form the big picture that is human services management. New knowledge of management and finance will make me a multifaceted asset to
I choose a career in the Non-Profit Coordination field because of two reasons; the first is I am an effective coordinator of people and resources, and secondly I am civic minded and want to devote my energies to the betterment of human conditions in St. Louis. As a practicing Catholic, who lives by the Golden Rule, and has been an active volunteer for many years with various community based programs, my understanding of the inner workings of nonprofit organizations is extensive. The program will benefit from my ability to motivate team members; in my current position, I have led my team two years in a row in achieving “top 10” in customer service nation-wide. The program is also looking for a person who creates and maintains donor relationships
The two organizations I will be focusing on throughout the course are two organizations I have actually donated to. The not-for-profit organization is the American Red Cross and the for-profit organization is Cancer Treatment Center of America. Being in the military and having a family member to have passed from cancer, these two organizations are dear to me and my family.
I am interested in non-profit for the motives of community, personal life experiences, and giving back. I firmly believe non-profit is the only logical structure for businesses to operate from. The reason behind this belief is the fact that when an organization is communal, efficiency is more of a result and resources become less scarce. When organizations are not for profit, the inequality gap slowly but surely closes. I am an advocate for non-profit due to my life experiences; I grew up in a rough, low-income, and diverse neighborhood in the city of Denver, Colorado.
A non-profit organization cannot be effectively managed if it is not effectively planned. One of the challenges facing non-profit organizations has been long range, strategic planning. Long range, strategic planning in the non-profit sector is essential to the success of an organization. Long range, strategic planning encompasses broad policy and direction setting, internal and external assessments, attention to key stakeholders, the identification of key issues, development of strategies to deal with each issue, decision making, action and the continuous monitoring of results. (Herman, The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, 154) While it is important to deal with the short term planning and activities of non-profits, managers or directors must consider the future of their organizations. Successful planning should be comprehensive, integrating all areas of responsibility of an organization.
I work for a non-profit that is working with low-income households to help them keep their utilities connected in times of financial hardship. The program is funded by the state and its structure and scope are constantly being debated and modified. As a result, agencies like mine often take a reactionary approach to managing their programs. However, undergoing a process of strategic planning for energy assistance can help us "to align [our] priorities with changing conditions and opportunities" (Berman, 2006, p. 64).
There used to be a time when zoos used to be full of animals. A time when extinction was not a problem. That was the past. Today, zoos all around the world are missing many animals such as the African elephant or the dodo bird. All of these wonderful animals became extinct because we were careless enough to let them all die. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an organization that is trying to prevent extinction from happening. WWF is an environmental organization dedicated to “protecting the world’s wildlife and wetlands” ("World Wildlife Fund"). It is one of the largest private supported conservation organizations in the world, with support from one million members in just the United States. WWF was formed on September 11, 1961 in Morges,
The diversity of nonprofit organizations, services provided and the problems faced shows that nonprofits require leadership with an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted nonprofit landscape. Understanding the culture of nonprofit work is also crucial and much easier to understand once you have been through a nonprofit management program. My career interests lead me towards an avocation of a deeper knowledge of strategic management/planning, legal structure and standards, increase my skills in quantitative analysis of policy, financial governance and developing fundraising strategies. These areas allow for macro management within the nonprofit