I got the ok to provide Keith notice for his final day with DOT; we won’t be able to provide him two full weeks because he completes probation on 9/8/15 and we don’t want him to reach permanent status based on the decision to non-retain him. I will try to have the non-retention letter to you by the end of the day today, or at least tomorrow morning. We will give him one week notice, placing his last day on
This officer has had contact via face to face and phone with the mother, Ms. Evelyn Edwards. Discussions have taken place with her regarding Marquel’s Comprehensive Re-Entry Case Plan. She has participated in a video conference with Marquel since his commitment. She is aware of his placement in the Virginia Beach CPP Program. She has not visited him at the facility, but she has had contact with him via phone. She is currently unemployed. Upon Marquel’s release from DJJ, the anticipated parole plan (CRCP) will be for him to return to her home with intensive supportive services via 294 funding. Additionally, in the event this placement is no longer available, an alternative placement will be sought via 294 funding for a group home placement or
Jordan met the VIDES and placed on the DD Waiver wait list. A periodic support coordinator will monitor his statues
I met with Wayne and Frank on June 30 and they provided me with these extensions of the administrative leave of absence for Michael Kuchar for the period May 22 through June 19. They suspect that they are holding back on reinstating him until they employ a new Assistant to the Superintendent at Cumberland who is a retired state trooper. They pointed out that Kuchar has only been receiving his straight salary and has not received his lost overtime but after consideration we decided that the best route to take would be to file a grievance when Kuchar is reinstated rather than do it now and potential encourage the Town not to reinstate him.
P- CM will continue to provide emotional support to client and monitor him for any increase in depression or anxiety. CM will address the sleep apnea machine dilemma to his supervisors, and look into getting dental assistance through the VA for the client. Client has agreed to continue participating in art group and Monday Night Football to help him cope with depression and anxiety. Client also agreed to return to the Bob Hop Patriotic Hall to start his application for getting “Veteran” status on his driver’s license, within the following week. Client has agreed to return LA Family Housing to schedule his CES assessment
Thank you for giving me the privilege to serve as a Chief of police for West Mahanoy Township. It is with great regret that I send you this letter of resignation. I have accepted the position of patrol officer with the Borough of Shenandoah. For this reason I will not be able to fulfill the duties of a police officer for West Mahanoy Township.
This case was last before the court on 1/4/2017 for a report to the court. The hearing was rescheduled until 2/6/2017, as all the attorneys were not present. At that time, temporary custody of Issac Johnson remained with the Department. The case was continued until 2/6/2017 for a status report.
I am writing this letter to appeal my attendance for this last semester. I am aware about my attendance in the last couple months. I take school seriously and I would like to prove that because of my medical history that these abscesses are beyond my control.
I’m writing to you, in hopes to appeal my academic dismissal of the nursing program at Adelphi University. I am aware that my grades are lower than required, and I take full responsibility for being on academic probation. I was surprised when I got the news that I have been dismissed from the nursing program because I did not receive any form of notification of dismissal from the University earlier. I was informed by my guidance counselor prior to the start of spring semester that I would say in the program as long as I did not obtain a lower GPA than I had. As a result of my GPA increasing I was surprised to receive the news of my dismissal. Despite this I believe that I did not handle my situation correctly and should have maintained sufficient grades to avoid academic probation. As stated before I recognize and
This case was last before the court on 6/26/2017 for a report to the court. At that time, temporary custody of Issac Johnson remained with the Department and a pretrial conference date was set for October 30, 2017.
I sent home a chaperone interest letter early November and never received it back from you. I understand your frustration. We have another field trip coming up in March to Cracker Country with chaperone spots available. There will be many more opportunities to be a chaperone in the future.
On Monday, February 18, 2013 at 10:57 am (CST), I received an email from Felicie Cornman with Angelic Sutherland copied on the message requesting if I can mail the Parish issued I.D. Badge to the office.
Applicant A's termination is not reasonable. Simply because the applicant received an average performance does not justify been fired. The applicant should have allowed chance and time for improvement, so as to develop and on the other hand able to improve sale in subsequent quarters. The essays by Thomson and Nagel defended the use of preferences but on different grounds. Thomson endorsed job preferences for women and African-Americans as a form of redress for their past exclusion from the academy and the workplace. Preferential policies, in her view, worked a kind of justice. Nagel, by contrast, argued that preferences might work a kind of social good, and without doing violence to justice. Institutions could for one or another good reason properly depart from standard meritocratic selection criteria because the whole system of tying economic reward to earned credentials was itself indefensible.
I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from Chamberlain College of Nursing. I understand that I have taken the NR 302 Health Assessment course two times at Chamberlain College of Nursing and have not been successful, which led to my dismissal. Receiving a dismissal letter on October 30, 2015, through my email was not a surprise to me, but I was upset with myself for pain that I caused to myself. This is my fault and I am fully responsible for this failure. I am writing this appeal letter to explain the reason of my failure and to appeal to you to please consider reinstating me for the spring session.
Registration suspension letters are not retained in FORTIS for parking ticket related suspensions. Without retaining letters no evidence exist that the customer had been properly notified of the suspension, resulting in possible disputes and/or legal action.