Prior to reading the text, I never considered the work environment to be such a serious public health problem. However, after this week’s assigned reading, I realize the magnitude of this issue. According to the World Health Organization, the context of people’s lives determines their health.1 On average, a person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime and this exposes them to an array of potential nonfatal injuries as well as fatal ones.2 Unfortunately, occupational injuries and illness are overlooked as contributors to the national cost of all disease, injuries and deaths.3 In 2008 more than 5,000 workers died from occupational injuries in the U.S and another 3.5 million sustained nonfatal injuries that same year.4 The direct cost
There has been many occasions where workers have either died or gotten hurt. From reading our book, Chew on This, we heard of tons of deaths and injuries. A few examples are, “Employee’s getting arms caught in meat grinder.” Dead. “Employee’s neck caught in flying blade.” Dead. “Employee caught in Gut Cooker.” Dead. All of these accidents have something in common. They all have died. Not only are these factories disgusting, they’re also dangerous and deadly.
Research strongly suggests that workaholism may cause serious threats to the worker’s health and can even result in death
Specific health problems associated with the workplace have contributed to the development of Particular health issues connected with the work environment have added to the advancement of the cutting edge safety and health development. These issues incorporate lung infections in diggers, mercury harming, and lung tumor attached to asbestos. Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals have an above normal extent of all day employments. For Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals working all day, normal week by week hours are 42.3 and profit are high - in the ninth decile. Unemployment for Health Professionals is underneath normal. H&S Professionals have an expansive extent of specialists amongst individuals in the 25-34 age section, making it an energetic and dynamic workplace. The unavoidable consequence of the expanded consideration given to safety and health is that bigger organizations are utilizing safety and health professionals and all organizations big or small are relegating these obligations to existing representatives.
It is understood that manual workers endure more work related injuries than non-manual workers. Recent studies to support this claim come from Clapp et al (2005) who indicate that a probable 12 of cancer deaths are workplace related, also, Meldrumm (2005) found that working conditions cause up to 20 of lung cancer deaths (Holborn, Burrage and Langley, 2009).
DOI: 5/21/2016. Patient is a 48-year-old male cart worker/federal marine employee who sustained injury when he fell off the golf cart and his face. Per OMNI, he was initially diagnosed with minor concussion.
Have you ever think about people for unsafe work? Each in everyday, hours and minutes, as we step forward into a factory, mills or machineries, significant people are put into danger. Although health and safety in a workplace is necessary for the employers and employees, there are still a lot of injuries and deaths in a workplace. Most people we’re being forced to work even if the job is not safe for them to do so. There are people getting injured and killed every day that’s why we need to put a stop to it now and make the job in a workplace comfortable to everybody.
This assignment will focus on one of the extremely important topics of the many hazards in the healthcare work place that may pose as a threat to my health and safety in the Care Industry.
The researchers in this article discussed the effect and rates of occupational injuries and illness in
To begin, the processing of food in America is ruining its society because of worker distain. Many places that process food, such as meat packaging factories, are in need of people willing to work. But with such a high turnover rate, one must wonder what the cause might be. Many employees are disgruntled and dissatisfied with their line of work. Their place of employment can be one full of danger. As of the year 2000, the rate of injury and illness among meat packaging workers was up to a staggering 25 percent (Olsson). With that in mind, meat packaging has become one of the most dangerous jobs in America as its rate is three times higher than that of a typical factory job (Schlosser 172). Incidents can range anywhere from trip and falls to
Employers MUST provide their employees with a workplace that does not have serious hazards and follow all relevant OSHA safety and health standards. Employers must find and correct safety and health problems. OSHA further requires employers to try to eliminate or reduce hazards first by making changes in working conditions rather than just relying on masks, gloves, ear plugs or other types of personal protective equipment (PPE). Switching to safer chemicals, enclosing processes to trap harmful fumes, or using ventilation systems to clean the air are examples of effective ways to get rid of or minimize risks (OSHA 3302 - 09R,
Despite the variety of health and safety programs, and the efforts to provide ergonomically correct work environments, many employees continue to suffer MSDs and work-related injuries. Drennan and Richey consider “the efforts to persuade employees to adopt healthier lifestyles have largely failed due to great societal pressure. Long commutes, long work hours, convenience of fast food, single parents trying to make ends meet, living alone and lack of social support all contribute to poor eating and exercise habits.” (Drennan & Richey 2003). Indeed, many employees suffer excessive weight, and lack of flexibility and strength, while employers continue to suffer the losses, either in workers compensation or healthcare costs. Therefore, while employees must ultimately take responsible for their own physical condition, employers also obligated to step up strategies that improve health and safety so they can remain competitive in today's global environment. Employers need to provide every opportunity to promote employees safety in order to avoid financial consequences and create a culture supportive of world-class safety
In 2012, the BLS reported that “the rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work to recuperate was 112 cases per 10,000 full-time workers.” In that same year, the average number of days missed at work was 9 days. Of the nonfatal occupational injuries reported in 2012, employees aged 65 and older had the lowest incidence rate at 89 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, however; the number of days missed at work to recover increased by 55 percent to an average of 14 days. In the reporting of prior years, 94 percent of the nonfatal work injuries among workers 55 and older were the result of trauma, with chronic injuries, such as back pain and illnesses, making up
Many work-related accidents can lead to loss of work force contribution, hence if any employee injured on the job may require medical care which can be far-reaching and expensive. According to Aleta A.Nitschke and William D. frye, the risky work setting cannot be cost effective from medical, legal, and productivity perspectives. (Aleta A.Nitschke, William D.frye, 2008)
Results were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The descriptive statistics will be used such as mean and frequency will be used for prevalence, occurrence and distribution of occupational injuries by demographic information such as age group, gender, education level and ethnicity. Results from the risk factor scales for workload, job boredom, supervisor relations, and work school conflict will be scored using as the key dictated by the instrument. Significant differences in risk factor scores were determined using t-tests. Stepwise logistic regression will be used to obtain odds ratios, controlling for age, sex, and job tenure. Missing will not be
In this modern era, world is globally marching towards the advancement, expansion, urbanization and industrialization. The flowering of the entire world relishes upon the worker and their imperative and influential contribution. More than half of the entire world population serves as a worker/employee for the enhancement and evolution but the safe platform to deliver their effort is still ambiguous, uncertain and of concern with a worker dying every 15 seconds and more than 10 workers getting injured every second as a result of their workplace hazard (ILO, 2014). This number worsens when analyzed in the developing countries as only 15% of entire worlds worker is covered with occupational health services. Currently, about 2.2 million worker