
Nonfiction Text Analysis

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Using nonfiction text requires appropriate implementation strategies. Children need explicit instruction in identifying unique features to nonfiction text, such as print features, table of contents, index, and graphic aides (Moehlman, 2013). Close reading of nonfiction text is an approach to help students critically read increasingly complex texts across the curriculum by exploring deep structures of the text. The Tools Approach is a strategy in which the teacher provides scaffolding to help students advance to the next learning stage and students develop new knowledge about nonfiction texts through interactions with peers and adults (Hall, 2016). Literature circles are excellent for students to explore nonfiction texts. Literature circles are small groups in which students all read the same story and contribute unique information about the story through an assigned responsibility (Barone & Barone, 2016). Teachers can assign students jobs within the group that will be appropriate for each individual student. Even struggling students can contribute to the group and learn from their peers at the same time. The use of graphic …show more content…

Two studies were conducted on the effects that nonfiction text have on struggling and non struggling students. According to Liebfreund & Conradi (2016) and Kuhn, Rausch, McCarty, Montgomery, & Rule (2015), the studies concluded that utilizing nonfiction text in primary grades has a positive impact on student engagement, reading comprehension, and vocabulary achievement, and decoding efficiency, vocabulary knowledge, prior knowledge, and intrinsic motivation all influence nonfiction text comprehension. Readability of nonfiction text also has an impact on how well students understand nonfiction text. Teachers must be aware of reading levels of nonfiction text being used in the classroom (Gallagher, Fazio, & Gunning,

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