
Nonhuman Primates Possess Culture Or Not Essay

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Over the years, this topic of whether nonhuman primates possess culture or not, has generated numerous debates. This has led to conversations on what is culture and if it is uniquely human. How each researcher defines culture correlates with whether they believe non-human primates possess culture. The definitions provided by scientists and other researchers vary based on its complexity and how loosely or specific they define it; as well as how inclusive and exclusive they are about what is considered a culture. This varies from discipline to discipline where anthropologist believes that culture is learned while biologist believe it is an innate trait. Anthropologist, Edward Tylor defines culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (McGrew, 1998). Other anthropological definitions refer to specific human nature of a culture centered on language, symbols, teaching and imitation (Humle and Newton-Fisher, 2013). Nonhuman primates are cultured and is passed from parent to offspring and is enforced throughout their lives. Various primates initially do the same thing, but carry out these tasks different per what they practice which would be a part of their culture. This research paper will explore specific evidence of culture in nonhuman primates and how it is transmitted. Humans are the most advanced primates there is and is often used as reference to

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