
Nonprejudiced Attitudes

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Nowadays, society extols the virtues of treating everyone with dignity and respect, and is critical of judgement towards others. This change in standards has brought about positive effects: it has made a society that devalues assumptions and values respecting others more. Regardless of the effects of these perceived changes, many neuroscientists are gathering evidence of a neurological basis for disliking another person solely based on looks. While job applicants always abide by the adage ‘first impressions are everything,’ there has been no actual scientific evidence supporting the veracity of this claim until recent years. An article published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience by a team of researchers looked to find whether racial biases present in the brain affected participants’ …show more content…

The article also states that “studies have consistently shown that negative, automatic evaluations of racial outgroup members are elicited on indirect measures of racial bias despite explicit, self-reported nonprejudiced attitudes” (Ronquillo, 1). While the amygdala activity was suppressed in the span of seconds by areas of the prefrontal cortex (the region of the brain associated with thinking and learning), the results of this and other studies still propose a controversial idea: people, regardless of self-reported prejudice, have biases that cause them to instinctively fear people who are unlike themselves. The opposite also seems to be true: people instinctively feel less fear towards people who look like them. Similarly, in her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley explores biases in humans and how they translate into outward behavior. Additionally, through the extreme, rash, and deadly behaviors of the monster, she suggests that people will go to surprising ends to have relationships with similar

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