
Nonverbal Communication

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Nonverbal Communication Techniques for Acing Interviews

Personal Hygiene

Shower, brush your teeth, comb/style your hair, use deodorant, and avoid using excess cologne or perfume.

You want to be properly groomed in order to make a positive first impression and show the interviewer you’re serious about the job. Many people are sensitive or allergic to specific or strong scents, and not using excessive amounts of cologne or perfume demonstrates that you are aware of this.

Dress Professionally

Research the company’s dress code so you can dress appropriately. If you can’t find anything about a dress code (or if the company doesn’t have one), use your best judgement to determine what might be appropriate attire for the company.

How you dress says a lot about how serious you are about an interview. It’s important to dress for the job you want; if your goal is to work in an office or business environment, wearing street clothes will not help you achieve that goal.

It’s important to remember that professional attire for an interview at a retail chain like Walmart or Canadian Tire would look different from one at a bank or insurance company.

Handshaking Etiquette

Prior to the interview, keep your hands open in order to prevent them becoming overly sweaty. Keep a tissue in your pocket to discreetly dry your hands if necessary. Sweaty hands could indicate to the interviewer that you are nervous.

Offer a greeting before and during the handshake. The

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