
Normality In Amy Tan's Fish Cheeks

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Normality Doesn’t Exist Sometimes we mentally ask ourselves, “What can I do to fit in?” which is a simpler way of saying, “What societal norms do I need to conform to in order to not be ridiculed” or better yet,” What is the concept of being normal?” The truth is there is no way to be “normal”. As a matter of fact, normality is the state of being “the usual” or expected. It is based upon geographical locations, time, people, etc. With that being said, whatever is normal in your eyes may be strictly abnormal in another’s eyes. A lot of people from different countries like Tan’s family in the story “Fish Cheeks” often feel frowned upon or ostracized by those who live up to American norms. That’s when the term “Americanized” comes into play. Americanization of people from different nationalities could always result in disparaging their own customs and beliefs in order to assimilate into American society. For example, Tan was a fourteen year old girl of Chinese heritage who prayed for a “blond-haired boy named Robert” and a “slim new American nose”. She essentially wanted to seem acceptable in the eye of the dominant culture, and that was a sheer detriment to her fragile self-esteem. …show more content…

However, since they falsely assume that others widely accept the norms that are in this day and time, they decide to acquiesce. That is called pluralistic ignorance. Pluralistic meaning religious, ethnic, racial, etc. groups thrive in one society, but keep their own traditions that are true to themselves. Like the quote by Robert B. Cialdini, “Often times we don’t realize that our attitude toward something has been influenced by the number of times we have been exposed to it in the past,” people who have been introduced to reoccurring themes in society tend to change their attitude once they’re more than enough acquainted with

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