
Norman Bethune Library

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The library I volunteered at is run by the high school, Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute (C.I.). The school was founded in 1979 and was named after Norman Bethune; a well-known Canadian doctor. He was best known for his services during World War I and his dedication to helping the poor in Canada. Moreover, over these past few years, the school has prospered beautifully and has had many renovations and changes. For example, two years ago, the school’s library had a huge makeover. The library was given new furniture to allow to have students a better working space. Similarly, the library moved shelves around in order to make it more convenient for everyone to access books. Ultimately, Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. has it in their best interest to provide students with the tools they need to succeed in education. In other words, the school displays good citizenship by assisting their students. …show more content…

Norman Bethune C.I. helping students reach their full potential, the school is also currently a host to Toronto Chung Wah Chinese School (Scarborough Campus). Every Friday night, this school supplies English, French, Chinese, etc. programs for students in middle school and high school. In fact, I have been a student there for over 5 years. This year, I am taking the math and art programs and I can say it has better my grades in high school for both those courses. Furthermore, Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. has a website that provides news about current events for students and parents. For example, three months ago, the school gave information about a free Parent Workshop for parents to attend at SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health. Overall, Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. is aiding Scarborough’s local community by providing a place for the Toronto Chung Wah Chinese School to stay and a website to inform people about events happening in their

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