
North American Cattle Consumption Analysis

Decent Essays

This tumblr blog is an informative and intriguing announcement exposing the concealed monstrosities of a vital institution that virtually keeps the western world alive, our industrialized agriculture. This public outcry aims to be accessible to youths in particular as they enter the terrene of consumerism as a sole individual in North America. Particularly speaking, this website outlines the issue of, environmental impacts of North American cattle consumption specifically dairy farming and cow grazing. BREADTHS OF THE ISSUE: Resource extensive Cows are one of the physically larger creatures on our planet, therefore they need more resources to survive. Through a scientific lense, larger creatures prove to be the most inefficient sources …show more content…

Respectively, the most notable, easy and immediate solution to this issue has always been to take shorter showers and turn the faucet off when not in use. These solutions are undeniably practice and useful, but is nowhere near effective or adequate; consider this, domestic water usage only consists of 10% of global water expenditure whilst agricultural water consumption is 70%! Even more disturbingly, a single hamburger is the equivalent of taking a single shower for 2 months straight, every cow in the world requires 45 billion gallons of water a day, and 1000 gallons of water makes solely 1 gallon of milk. In perspective, turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth can save 200 gallons of water a month, but a single meal consisting of a hamburger and a glass of milk is exhausting 660.05 gallons of water. Moreover, raising cows for beef is incredibly resource extensive as water supplies are needed to manage manure and fertilizer runoff from dairy farms. In turn, the excessive nutrients in local waterways result to algae growth thus reducing oxygen for aquatic wildlife and plants; overall, this runoff causing extreme disruptions in the marine ecosystem originates from excessive water …show more content…

The dairy farming industry is just as, if not more disturbing than large scale beef productions as a cow’s ability to produce milk mitigates due to stress and ultimately, illnesses and/or diseases, which in turn, only creates more greenhouse gases. On another note, dairy cows are regularly inbred with siblings or grandparents as a form of eugenics to achieve the most profitable mammal. Despite this economic greed, the nature of inbreeding displays its challenges. Cows become depressed through erratic psychological composition so it negatively impacts the performance of inbred animals. Onward, 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant after infancy yet institutions continually exploit these mammals and our own living environment for superficial wealth. The essence of the intricacies of dairy farming lies in the numerous stakeholders. From ice cream to baked goods, dairy products are a core aspect to the American diet. Milk is characteristically the motherland alike oil; the fluctuation of milk prices resembles the volatility of oil prices considering the similar pressures on supply and demand. For more details on the economic implications, please see the SEEP

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