
North American Exploration Outline

Satisfactory Essays

Period 1 (1491-1607) Outline

I. North America before European exploration
A. Native American groups were located in many areas across the continent
B. Each group had different ways of living that they had established due to each of them adapting to their own environments across North America
1. Different languages
2. Different religious beliefs
3. Different social structures
4. Different hunting and agriculture methods
C. The differences between the cultures of the different groups caused fighting among the tribes
II. European exploration of the New World
A. Spanish conquistador exploration
1. Christopher Columbus sailed to find a western route to the east in 1492
a. He instead landed in the Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti
b. He brought back new …show more content…

Hernando Cortés took over Aztecs in 1521
c. Francisco Pizarro took over Incas in 1532
d. In 1565, the first colony in the New World was founded, St. Augustine, Florida
3. Spanish conquistadors’ goals in exploration of the New World
a. Expand the Spanish empire across new lands
b. Find new sources of natural resources that could be brought back to Spain for sale in other European countries
c. Fame among Spaniards
d. Desire to spread Christianity
e. Compete with other European countries for land, wealth, and power
B. French exploration of the New World
1. Jacques Cartier explored part of the St. Lawrence River in 1534 which was the basis for the French claims to the Canadian land
2. The French explorers that sailed to Florida were pushed out of that area by the Spanish, so French exploration was directed to the northern areas
3. Samuel de Champlain built a fort at Quebec and explored the area from Nova Scotia down to Cape Cod
4. French goals in exploration
a. France hoped to gain new lands that could eventually be colonized by French people
b. They were also hoping for natural resources that could provide them with a new source of wealth
c. Compete with Spain and England for resources and …show more content…

Sir Walter Raleigh was sent by England in 1585 to form an English colony in the New World
a. He settled on Roanoke Island, Virginia (present-day North Carolina)
b. This colony only lasted one year
3. There was a second attempt at a colony in Roanoke in 1587
a. This colony lasted for three years
b. John White left the colony in 1590 to get more supplies from England, but when he returned, all of the people from the colony was gone
c. This colony became known as “The Lost Colony of Roanoke”
4. The first permanent English colony, the Jamestown colony, was established by English settlers in 1607
5. England’s goals in exploration
a. Gain new lands
b. Establish new British colonies in the New World
c. Compete with Spain and France in the race to gain the new territories
d. Gain access to new resources that would benefit their economy
e. Settlers hoped for more freedom from the King’s reign
III. Effects of European Exploration on Europe and America
A. New resources available in Europe
1. The spread to new areas of the world introduced new products and natural resources to Europe that weren’t available before
2. This boosted the European economy and allowed for population growth
3. This aided in the European economic shift from feudalism to capitalism

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