
North Eugene Diversity Poster Analysis

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The “North Eugene Diversity Response Poster” is an informative and persuasive text created by North Eugene staff and students for the prevention of racism at North Eugene. The poster is targeted at North Eugene students and visitors. The reason why this poster was put up was that North Eugene was vandalized with racial slurs and anti-semitic messages and in response to that, the staff found it necessary to put up a poster and say that North is not a place of hate and racism but is a place that supports diversity. The poster’s purpose is to spend the message that North Eugene is a place of diversity to all its’ students and visitors as they walk through the school’s doors. though its use of colorful images and powerful messages created by fellow students and staff the poster attempts to stop the spread of hate and prove that the school is above the hateful remarks of the people who vandalized the school. However, the placement of the poster and the lack of variety cause the poster to be mostly ignored by people. …show more content…

The image of equality and the handmade message that promotes diversity evokes the idea of strength in diversity. The presence of all the message and colorful images of the poster pull on the feeling of power on its’ viewers at first glance of the poster. The messages on the poster are presented as simple and easy to understand. Each message is written in a colorful and unique way that no message is the same. Each of the messages use strong and powerful language that gives a sense of power to its viewers like “ Our Diversity Makes Us Strong”; “From War to Peace” Theses messages uses the words “Strong” and “War” to evoke passion into the audience as they read them and make them believe that North is a place of

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