
Northern Ontario Essay

Decent Essays

Over the last 5 years, Northern Ontario has continued to lose population under the Wynne’s government. The latest census data have shown that Northern Ontario has lost over 2600 of its residents in the last 5 years. Kirkland Lake has suffered the greatest loss with a decline of approximately 6 % of its population, followed closely by Elliot Lake with 5.3 % of its population leaving. This is compared to Southern Ontario who population has increased dramatically during the same time span. Toronto’s population increased by 4.5 percent and the fastest growth has been seen in the GTA’s commuter cities of Shelburne, Milton and Bradford. Where they saw their population increase by over 25%. Why is Northern Ontario’s population shrinking when the population …show more content…

We are being starved and robbed from every time the 3 establishment based parties are voted in. They all give false hope when they say and I quote. They say they will shine a light on the issues. We say enough with the smoke and mirrors. When you keep robbing from and treating us as a colony, then many will move to find the jobs. Another alternative is they move away because of the unaffordable cost of living due to the colder weather of Northern Ontario. When will they listen? Simple answer is NOT one of the big parties will grow a set and commit to Northern Ontario's future. Resource manufacturing needs to be here! Hydro needs to be at cost! Healthcare and education need to be maximized. Think of the costs that are associated with the hospitals running here with less and less funding and staff. Yet thousands are paid, for the travel grants for Northerners to travel for medical. This in turn forces them to take uncomfortable transportation (if there is any) when they are in excruciating pain. Therefore, there is one simple fix. Northern Ontario needs to finally be treated like a people and deserve to be heard. This is why the Northern Ontario Party is here and the only party who demands its candidates to represent the voters first! The documentary "The Hole Story" explains in depth on how the establishment has robbed from Northern Ontario with the least investment

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