
Not Pursuing A College Degree

Satisfactory Essays

Walking onto a college campus as a young freshman, I joined the throngs of young women who planned to stay in college until they married. Marriage would lead to a family and blissfully being a homemaker for the next several decades of life. This idea took more years then I planned for it to take. There have been speed bumps and rough gravel on this journey and in hindsight I see why my plan should have included finishing my college degree. Once a woman has achieved the status of stay-at-home mom, there are many arguments for not pursuing a college degree. The loudest argument I have heard is, “It’s a waste of time and money if you aren’t going to do anything with it.” The goal of being a stay-at-home mom is ideal, but it doesn’t eliminate the need or benefits of a college degree.
Recently, a former fifth grade teacher counseled a young woman who was returning home from her mission. The advice the teacher gave was unsolicited but impactful. She told her to graduate from college because the mother having a college degree is the single greatest indicator of whether the children will be college educated or not. Research agrees with this counsel. It shows that, “A mother’s educational level has a profound influence on the educational choices of her [children]” (Madsen) It further shows that, “children of college-educated parents are healthier, perform better academically, and are more likely to attend college themselves than children of those with lower educational

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