
Notes On Accumulated Depreciation And Depreciation

Satisfactory Essays

Question No: 1.

1.1: Accumulated Depreciation
No I don’t agree, Accumulated depreciation is the sum of depreciation expense that has been charged to the profit and loss statement as an expense since an asset was purchased or an entity obtained control over that asset (Accountingtools, 2013). It is treated as contra asset account and it is deducted from the asset cost in the financial reports. The amount of accumulated depreciation will increase with the use of assets or over the years.
For example, company ABC bought a machinery at a cost of $100,000 at 1/1/2010 and it is seen in the industry that companies uses 20% depreciation rate.
• at 31/12/2010 ABC company will charge 20% depreciation rate
Dr. Depreciation Expense $20,000
Cr. …show more content…

Any amount that result in maintaining asset in its current condition than cost is deducted as an expense in the fiscal year (Investopedia, N.P).
For examples include cost incurred to increase the useful life of an asset, alteration in the building which result in increase in the value of building etc.

1.3: LIFO
LIFO (last in first out), under this inventory valuation methods it is assumed that the most recent inventory stock is always sold first. As a result previous stock of inventory remain in the warehouse and will remain always oldest. If inventory is purchased at the end of accounting period and its effect on income is depend on the price of inventory, if the at fiscal end prices are high it will result in lower cost of goods sold and increase in the profit, but if the prices are lower than the cost of goods sold will be high and profit will be lower.
For example inventory in are 750units at rate $10 and new inventory is purchased 50 units at $15, where as sales are 300units at $20.
Sales (300*20) $6000
Cost of goods sold:
New stock 50*15 $750
Old stock 250*10 2500 (3250)
Profit $2750
(a). In requirement 1, FIFO method shows more cash than LIFO by $26,000. (b). In requirement 2, LIFO methods shows more cash than FIFO by $26,000.
Question No:4.
1). With the Federal government introduction of child care benefits rebates system,

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