In one of the previous classes, the instructor discussed the pistachio story and at first I was not really understanding the purpose of it or knew if the discussion was even relevant to the class. It wasn’t until he completed the story and gave an explanation about it that it made it easier to understand. The final purpose of the story was to emphasize the idea that nothing is actually free. Some may agree and some may disagree on the idea that nothing is actually free. For example, how is work really defined? For some, digging through the pistachio shell to find more pistachios may not be considered actual “work” and just see it as part of the process of eating the pistachios. If that was the case, isn’t everything we do work? Or if work
Tim Meeker concludes the epilogue with,” But somehow, even fifty years later, I keep thinking that there might have been another way, besides war, to achieve the same end” (Collier and Collier 211). Fifty years after the war, Meeker reflects on his life during the Revolutionary War with Britain and the American colonies. He has been torn between the sides of war, fought with family, experienced deaths of loved ones, and other conflicts the war has brought him. Authors James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier express Meeker’s troubles and thoughts along with lessons that the war has taught him. Tim learned from the way war affected him that war is futile.
One of the greatest and more fundamental gifts of life is the autonomy that comes with being a sentiment human being. This hasn’t always been considered a human right, however, and many eastern hemispheres are struggling to catch on to the concept that people should be allowed to make the decisions they choose without the external pressure to do otherwise. Thus, the question that should be asked is whether or not every human being on this planet is free, whether they should be free and what does free really mean. For many, freedom is all about that ability to to choose what they want, make their own decision and be able to move around as they please. Freedom is about equity, free speech and the guarantee of life, no matter how good or bad.
A majority of people that chose to accept freedom believing it would give them better opportunities in life soon realised that life as a free person wasn’t as positive as they initially thought.
“Free” a word that will catch anyone's attention no matter what. In the article “ As He Promotes It, Some Questions Obama’s Free Community College Idea” by Joanne Jacobs they explain President Barack Obama’s idea of making community colleges basically into higher level of high school by making them free to everyone. Without even thinking about it most student would be excited about this new idea but when you take a deeper look at things, separating the pros and cons you begin to realize that it may not be such a great idea after all. Free is not always good as it seems as it can become a downfall of dominoes one thing after another just starts falling apart which I think will happen if this idea is implemented.
In America there are many laws that prevent us from being truly “free,” yet we could have it much worse than we do. Americans are spoiled; Large portions for meals, free health care, social security for after retirement… the list goes on and on. But America was not always like this. Our ancestors before us would be amazed with the contrast of the world we live in today. They battled many conditions we will never see and did not have the endless opportunities we are handed today.
In the 1960’s Milton Friedman was known to say “there’s no such thing as a free lunch. “If the government spends a dollar, that dollar has to come from producers and workers in the
An American essayist, H.L. Mencken stated, “The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants be safe”. I disagree with this statement because an “average man” wants to live. In order to live you must have two necessities; freedom and safety. I believe neither is more important than one another because being free gives you the opportunity to a safe nation, and a safe nation allows you to be free. You cannot live a life without exploring and growing because that would not be considered living. On the other hand, you cannot expect to be free without safety around you.
Everyday, people are making big differences in their communities. They do this by contributing to the less fortunate. From the informational articles “Small Town, Big Hearts” and “There’s No Free Lunch… Except Here” from Achieve3000, several people helped each other through simple acts of kindness. “Small Town, Big Hearts” informs readers how a simple email can save a family-owned hardware shop. In “There’s No Free Lunch… Except Here” it shows the reader how generosity is truly shown in many of Panera Bread’s customers. In this case, the universal theme has to do with a little act of kindness can go a long way. While both “Small Town, Big Hearts” and “There’s No Free Lunch...Except Here” develop the
For centuries, teenagers have fought with their parents over the amount of freedom they should have. Parents always fight to reel in their child’s freedom, while teens argue that they need more privileges. While parents certainly have an argument in protecting their kids from the big, scary world, ultimately teenagers need to be exposed to the dangers of everyday life in order to prepare them for entering it on their own. If they have no real-life experience, they cannot be expected to handle it well when they leave their parents’ houses. In order to teach kids responsibility and life skills, kids should be allowed freedom to work and be out on their own, but have certain restrictions on a case-to-case basis in terms of curfews and household obligations.
I would say that the self is primarily discovered, and inherited. In my personal experience, the self is primarily affected by time. Meaning the self is discovered through the years, and their personal experiences. Although, the self principally discovered from moral principles and personal experience, and etc. There are somethings that cannot be change, because they have inherited those aspect of the family. When a human being is born, they do not have the choice to be poor, rich, white, or brown. All of these aspects are genetics from your parents. But the features we can change or that shape us, is working hard to live a better life. Be someone in the world that has done well. Selections from Underground America: Narratives of undocumented
There is no denying that human being need to some sort of purpose in their lives, and work is part of that. As a last year student, I started to thinking the meaning of work and how to be meaningful. What is meaning for work as a human being? After reading the book ‘Work’, I understood that the meaning of work is not only earning money to survive, but also fitting necessity psychological needs, that is source of satisfaction, self-fulfilment as well as identification, and belongs to the realm of freedom. (Svendsen, 2014, p.37)
In conclusion, “there is not no such thing as a free lunch”, I believe that life is all about trade-offs. By
"Work" is a positive thing for many people. To some people, it may be described as a place to escape from the kids, or even a time consumption thing for a single or retired person, but most importantly it is what we do in order to provide for our families and ourselves. Work is something that we all will experience at one time or another during our lives.
The term “Free” is a mentality that’s hard to overcome in a user. It is much difficult to convert a free user to a paid
“The Best Things in Life Are Free,” a popular song by Ray Henderson, and a quote that many people live by. Although this belief seems fitting, it most certainly is not true. For example, American freedom comes at a high cost. Also, one’s health can sometimes be pricey, along with one’s drive to further his or her education. The best things in life are definitely not free but can be very rewarding for those who work for them.