
Notre Dame De Paris Research Paper

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Even after 850 years, the Notre Dame de Paris is still an awe inspiring Cathedral. Notre Dame de Paris is a Catholic Cathedral located next to the Seine river in Paris. It has remarkable gothic architecture, and dozens of important relics are held inside. Notre Dame is a famous Cathedral because of its breathtaking exterior, stunning interior design, and unique history.
The exterior of Notre Dame is remarkably detailed. On top of the Cathedrals are gargoyles. Gargoyles are fundamental parts of the Cathedral. Their terrifying features are are used to ward off any evil or devilish spirits. They are pointing down towards the ground (Frey 43). Their terrifying faces scare the civilians into entering the cathedral. During its time Notre Dame was one of the tallest buildings. From the ground up, it is 266 ft tall (aviewoncities). The Cathedral could be …show more content…

Notre dame was constructed by many people; Pierre de Montreauil, Jean de Chelles, Jean Baptise, Antonie Lassus, Raymond du temple, Jean le Bout Eiller and Jean Ravy. Each one helped construct the architecutre of Notre dame. (Ermengem). Since many people continued the work of Notre Dame throughout the 200 years, it shows the determination and passion that these architect's had. Notre Dame became very famous due to the attention it received. 29 french kings all had their coronations at Notre Dame. (Clark, 85-115). The reason why 29 kings had their coronations there was because of the beauty, and importance of this Cathedral. Finally, the Cathedral helped many people find a way to survive. Citizens benefited from the Cathedrals to help them in their daily life. Merchants set up shops since many people visited. Civilians acquired jobs from it, such as a priest, and it assisted the youth with education. (Grant, 73). The Cathedral not only served a spiritual purpose, but also increased commerce. Due to its interesting history, Notre Dame is remembered as an important

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