
Nova Care: A Case Study

Decent Essays

SC completed monitoring phone call with Pa on 10/30/2015. Pa reported that she is doing well. PA reported that she is receiving services as outlined in the ISP. She remains satisfied with services and feels that they meet her current needs. No fall, hospitalizations, change in health status or medications reported by Pa. Pa reports that she is doing physical therapy evaluation and therapy at Nova Care at 2301 Broad St for: knee, neck, upper thigh, lower back joint pain, muscle weakness, and problems with balance and gait. Pa has follow up appointment with Rheumatologist and Optometrist for evaluation and treatment of vision problems. Pa last visit with PCP was on 10/29/2015. Pa reported that her electricity and gas company was scheduled to be discontented due …show more content…

Pa stated that she don’t trust her family anymore because her grandchildren are crazy and no good. SC redirected Pa numerous times, but it was difficult for Pa to stay focused. Pa reported some anxiety and agreed to follow up with her physician regarding this (Pa stop taking Zoloft because she didn’t feel taking it anymore). Pa confirmed that she is received her services as specified in the ISP in the following type, scope, amount, frequency and duration: PAS Agency Model aide care for 2 hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9am-11am and 3 hours on Sunday from 9:30am-12:30pm. Agency aide will supervise and assist with Pa with bathing ADL and IADLs of meal preparation, shopping, light housework and weekly errands. Pa receives an emergency response system which she uses as needed for emergencies. Pa receives 7 frozen Home delivered meals weekly from PCA which she heats in the microwave for

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