
November Rain Mood

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“We’ve grown Apart” “November Rain” comparison essay Guns N’ Roses writer, and lead singer Axl Rose of the song “November Rain,” use’s a romantic, and tragic mood, a soft, smooth, and sad tone, and a motif of failed love, and November Rain to explain that true love can grow apart. While, Passionate Desyre’s “We’ve Grown Apart” uses a sad, and tragic mood, a dark, and serious tone, and a motif of failed love to explain that if its not meant to be, it wont work. Both Guns N’ Roses writer Axl Rose, and Desyre use the similar moods, tones, and motifs to promote a very similar message to the reader or listener. The moods of “We’ve Grown Apart” are sad, and tragic. The words Desyre decides to choose creates a mood of pure sadness, by only showing the woman talking …show more content…

Axl Rose’s vocals in the beginning sounds reminiscent, soft, and smooth. Later on, after the tragedy occurs Axl’s voice becomes angry, and upset. The lyrics suggest a young man trying to discuss the nature of his disappointing relationship with someone he doesn’t even love anymore. “We've been through this such a long long time just trying to kill the pain.” The couple has been struggling with their mutual distrust in love. The connection between both of these is that there is a mutual dislike of the relationship after time goes by in both the song, and poem.
The motif for “We’ve Grown Apart” is the recurring concept in this poem is that she always had a great love for him, and he for her, but she knew that someday they would break up. She keeps trying to salvage the relationship, but now she knows that she cannot keep up the charade, and has to break the news to him.
“All I can say is I'm sorry for what I have to do. I know it's the best decision, someday you'll see it too.” She is apologetic of the news, but she knows that it had to be done. The man might not think of it the same way, but after some time he will realize that the right decision was

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