
Nozick Uses The Veil Of Ignorance Essay

Decent Essays

Nozick’s principles of justice in holdings can be described as only objects that were acquired justly are just. So, for an object that is justly acquired means the object was created or taken justly from natural resources. Just because you bought an object does not mean it was acquired justly. If the person or company you bought the object from acquired the object through robbery, theft, or fraud, then the object has not been justly acquired. Fraud is not considered a just transaction because you are being given false information. If something was stolen then passed down for generations to generation, Nozick would consider this object to be unjustly owned in this family. For a transaction to be voluntary, no force, coercion, threat of force, …show more content…

Rawls thought experiment does allow us to judge whether a society is just in his views. Rawls states a society is just if everyone in the original position would consent to it. Rawls uses an example of “the veil of ignorance”. By this he means everyone in the original position is ignorant of society, talents, natural positions, race, and gender. He uses the veil to insure impartiality of judgment. Subject will not be able to make choices based on self- or class-interest due to the veil, it helps the subject make choices based upon moral considerations. But everyone does know certain fundamental interests they all share like; what things will better their lives, health, safety, access to a clean environment, etc. Everyone in this experiment has to consent or the society will be unjust. So, if in society athletic ability, race, gender, talents, and other factors you cannot control predict your success in life, it would be unlikely that everyone will consent to this form of society. It is unfair for people to have advantages that they did not earn. In this society you would be placed in, if you had no traits that would elevate you in society you would not want to consent to it. Thus, for everyone to consent said factors cannot predict your success in the

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