As you learned in NR302, before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse conducts an assessment, collecting subjective and objective data from an individual. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on collecting both subjective and objective data, synthesizing the data, and identifying health and wellness priorities for the person. The purpose of the assignment is twofold.
• To recognize the interrelationships of subjective data (physiological, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual values, and
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2. Objective Data—Physical Exam Components to Be Included
• During the lab experiences, you will conduct a series of physical exams that includes the following systems.
• Keep notes on each part of the physical exam as you complete them to reference as you write the paper.
• Refer to the course textbook for detailed components of each system exam. Remember, assessment of the integumentary system is an integral part of the physical exam and should be included throughout each system.
• From NR302 o HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat) o Neck (including thyroid and lymph chains) o Respiratory system o Cardiovascular system
• From NR304 o Neurological system o Gastrointestinal system o Musculoskeletal system o Peripheral vascular system
REMEMBER: Make notes of the physical examination findings, ensuring that you have addressed all of the components listed on the Return Demonstration Checklist. Students are also encouraged to take notes about their experiences while conducting the physical examination for reference when creating the assignment, particularly the reflection section.
Needs Assessment (10 points)
1. Based on the health history and physical examination findings, determine at least two health education needs for the individual. Remember, you may identify an educational topic that is focused on wellness.
2. Select two peer-reviewed journal articles that provide evidence-based support for the health teaching needs you
h. Data from scientific literature – Depending on the population and behaviors being studied, it is possible to identify some of the health priorities of a population by reviewing literature. Although there may not be published data on your specific population, studies completed within similar settings may provide useful information. Identify five published studies that may be of use in your needs assessment.
- Thirdly I was wondering if you had any other advice that could help me while im preparing and writing the assessment?
For the certification plan assignment, I took a practice test on AOTA’s website. The practice test on this website does not give an analysis of strengths and weakness. I feel that I need to review all of the areas on the certification exam. On the calendar, I set aside days to take the practice exam once a week for 2 hours. During the week, I will review material from Physical Dysfunction, Mental Health & Concepts and Pediatric Skills textbooks. My study times will range between 2 – 3 hours each
In today’s climate of clinical effectiveness and value for money, a greater level of skill is required of nurses. ”( 2011). For the likes of Jane, a resident in a nursing home, nursing assessment forms the bases of her care plan. The care plan must set out: the needs identified by the assessment (,
This assignment was beneficial in assisting me to evaluate my employment potential as a RN. I can now see growth in my organization skills, ability to analyze my academic and clinical experiences, visualize my growth during nursing school, and showcase my accomplishments and competencies.
Fully describe how you could improve your scores relating to musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory systems & energy systems.
Nursing research is the scientific process of answering questions regarding health and illness relevant to nurses to gain objective knowledge about the proposed question (LoBiondo-Wood, & Haber, 2013). Research provides a foundation for our clinical practice, for example, regarding the best approaches for nurses to improve patient compliance with medication (NINR, 2012). A sample research
Health Assessment is a major part of care in the nursing profession. This topic was study in block one during which ten concepts were identified and further analyzed. First, I begin by giving a brief overview of what the concept entails as it pertains to health assessment. Secondly, current research available for each concept is presented. Then application of concepts to the current job (nursing) is given with particular examples of how these concepts can be useful where appropriate. Lastly application of each concept to current world is presented. Throughout the projects various research text are cited when necessary to bring out relevant points.
evaluate the health status and make judgment about whether a problem or potential problem exists that requires nursing intervention. It also assesses the status of a previously identified problem or condition in relation to projected outcomes. Lastly, it identifies the strengths present in the situation, be it an individual, family, or community, that can be used to help solve problems. (p. 1)
Closely linked to this decision-making model is the ubiquitous nursing process. The nursing process includes data collection and documentation, analysis of the data to determine current condition and real or potential health related issues, development of an individualized plan of care to deal with these issues, implementation of that plan of care, and evaluation of the plan of care to determine its effectiveness and adjust the plan as needed. (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006)
The research will notify the administration of the Nursing Unit the intend to conduct the study, which will be during Academic Semester. A consent form that describes the purpose of the survey will be provided to the voluntaries students willing to participated
Assessment in the nursing process will establish the patients' ongoing needs and provide a quality of care best suited to the individual, to achieve a desirable health outcome.
There are several methods of collecting data for nursing research. The best techniques for collecting data should be well-defined, reliable, valid and done so without interjecting person bias. Data collection for qualitative studies may be in the form of interviews or surveys, participants may take part in a focus group, or be observed in their natural environment. Techniques for quantitative studies could also include surveys, observation, historical data, physiological data, or tests (Tappen, 2016). Any of these approaches are useful collection methods however, the process used must be suitable to answer the research question.
Assessment in nursing has been determined by the problem-solving framework of the nursing process and nursing models. It is a dynamic and continuous process as clients needs change; it promotes individualized care and responds to clients in a responsible and timely manner to improve or maintain their level of health (RCN, 2004). A health assessment not only comprises of gathering health information about a patient, but also analyzing and synthesizing the information, and evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions on patients health care outcomes (Weber & Kelley, 2013).
The second learning goal for this course centers on the subjects of qualitative and quantitative research. According to the Qualitative Research Consultants Association, qualitative research is defined as research “designed to reveal a target audience’s range of behavior and the perceptions that drive it with reference to specific topics or issues”(Qualitative Research Consultants Association, 2015, para 2). Conversely, quantitative research is defined as” any research based on something that can be accurately and precisely measured” (University of Wisconsin-Madison Ebling Library, 2016). The understanding of these terms and their place in nursing research will be required in the synthesis of data acquired through research. Modules that will address these topics are three and