
Nt1310 Unit 2 Written Assignment

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Written Assignment Unit 2 I chose Hewlett-Packard to analyze and see how this company looks like from inside. I think Hewlett-Packard has come this far because they don’t lose their essence, they don’t lose their heart through the years. Even now, that there are lots of new companies offering good computers and software for less money. For big companies like Hewlett-Packard is very important to set goals and after reading more about his company, now I know why it has become one of the most important companies in the world.
Data and Goals: In 2014 they were focus on:
• Business-led ethics and compliance messaging and communications.
• Continue to emphasize and recognize ethics champions.
• Continue to improve and enhance due diligence on …show more content…

Hewlett-Packard has a very interesting strategy that at the end is going to give them the respect of their clients. They say: “We believe in the talent and creativity of our people to develop and harness technology and services that can stimulate economies, elevate people from poverty and sickness, and help solve the world’s environmental challenges. We achieve this by fully integrating citizenship into our business strategy.” I have to be honest and say that after what we see in a company there are lots of business strategies to keep the company alive. It is not just trying to sell more computers than other companies; it is also, use all that they have to continue on the market for a long time, for example inventing new things that can get customers attention. Companies have to deal with lots of problem; bad economy, competitors, etc. But they have to be smart enough to win and continue on the road. This is not just one person work, it is a big groups of people work, and all of them should be recognized for their

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