IGN (In Game Name): LUEGO
Age: 15
Country: United States
Do you have a good quality mic?:Yes, I do have a good quality mic.
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: I do not have telegram, but I do have teamspeak.
How many hours can you put in the server per week:
Monday - Thursday (3:00pm - 10:00pm)
Friday (3:00pm - 3:00am)
Saturday (6:00am - 3:00am)
Sunday (6:00am - 10:00pm)
Any previous punishments on Faithful?: I have never been banned or punished in anyway on Faithful.
Any past experiences in being a staff member: Yes, staff experience is what I do indeed have. I have been staff on one server so far, and I lasted about six months as a staff member. My staff rank was a senior moderator, and throughout the course of six months I was gaining as much experience as I can as a staff member. So know I know I am ready to take on a bigger challenge and that is why I am here applying for staff on a great server, also known as FairhfulMC.
Why do you want to become staff?:
Becoming a staff member on Faithful is a big responsibility, and I do understand that. Therefore becoming staff member on Faithful is a
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Not only that, but I enjoy helping people on the server. I will never have a problem helping people on the server, and I promise that I will never have an excuse to get out of helping a certain person with their problem, because I know that it is my job and I will never do that to a person that has a question about the server or a problem on the server. I am also decent with screen sharing hackers, I am not saying that I am good at screen sharing. If I were to rate myself on how good of a screen sharer I am I will probably give my self a six out of ten. and as of right now I do understand that screen sharing is one of the key factors for catching a hacker, that is why I will try my best to improve my screen sharing skills.
Have you had any previous punishments on Faithful? No, and I do not plan to.
5) Do you have Skype and/or Discord? Only use Discord, I Can get skype though.
I have a lot of staff experience on my role of playing this game. To start this section, I was first staff on a small prison server. This was the first server I was actually staff on. On this server I applied in the early makings of the server and achieved a Helper promotion. This server was in BETA so only staff could join, there was a major amount of people in the staff team so It got around 10 players a day. From that day I got helper I went all the way from Helper to Administrator+. Admin+ was basically the highest rank on their server other than Owner / Co-Owner. On the server I helped the owner with plugins, and the staff team. I was a staff manager there and I took my job seriously and I was staff for around 2 months. From there I unfortunately resigned as the server died out and I lost contact
7. Have you received any punishments on JailsMC (We can check. Failure to specify will result in your application being immediately denied): Besides posting my YT channel in front of Ice on accident no. Lol
I build best landscaping and arenas. For landscaping my techniques are doing different shades, for stone I use
I can contribute to this server by bringing 110% effort and fire to the table, and putting in the extra effort needed even if it may be hard or not enjoyable. I will always bring fun to the chat, and to the community by cleaning it out of things maybe other staff may not catch such as racism, threats, harassment, minecraft glitches, and hacks! If i am ever offline and not at a camp, i would probably be dead… or eating/sleeping xD. I may be exaggerating, but I would definitely spend every second i can on being helpful on Warfine.
How Active are you on TeamSpeak?: I have Teamspeak downloaded on my computer but rarely use it mainly because I have no use for it. I keep around just in case that I may need and not go through the hassle of downloading it.
Some people would say that I do not deserve to be staff, and others might say that I do deserve to be apart of the staff team. If I am going to be completely honest I do not think that I am very different from "The crowd". I want to help the server by become staff and helping players, banning hackers and doing anything that a player needs (If they have a good reason for me to do it). If you want to choose someone else that isn't my choice it is all up to you, but I believe I would be a good pick. Why I should be accepted however is that I am nice to players and will help them with their problems, ban hackers and overall be a positive player toward people. Again, it is totally the opinion that matters if I stand out from the crowd, I believe that I am not very different in someways from "The crowd" but different in others. I have experience in being a staff member and can screenshare players and know when people are just flat out cheating, or lying to me about
Being staff is very inportant to me. I love helping out on the server as much as I can. I would love to be staff because I can be on so much. I love to help people with whatever they need help with. I love managing the server and helping other people with their problems. I understand I just joined this server, and people may not think I know a lot of stuff, but I do. Right now I am staff on another server (Trial Mod, the rank before mod) and I love helping out on there. But just because I am staff on there, doesn't mean I can't be active on here. So what if I dont get accepted as staff, because I still am going to play on this server as much as possible and I will continue to help people and chip in on problems and situations.
We have been tasked to establish the communication standards for the new cooperate website, there are many areas we need to take to inconsideration for establishing these standards.
I think I would be a great addition to the staff team because I enforce rules even if that is making me the bad guy. The server has rules and the server does not need rule breakers. I have been playing FaithFulhcf for about 3 maps now and I have made a lot of good friends on the staff team so that which have got demoted for reasons that I do not know. I want to learn about how to be a better staff member I have been watching Cbrady350's staff series and I think I could be a good staff member just like him. I try to do the best I can on the server and most of the time I succeed in what I am doing but if I fail I try again. I Think that if I was staff I think you should accept me because I want to ban hackers and keep the server clean I try to do that all the time with recording it and uploading it to the forums for staff to see and ban the hacker. I want to consider my time to the server in a positive way. like helping people in chat and helping people in the game and even in the FaithFulHCF TeamSpeak. I always ask questions before I do something and I was alone I would think before I do it. I know some parts of screen sharing people and I would love to learn more on how to screen share
Problem 1 - Murphy pushes the power button on her computer and nothing happens. List all of the possibilities on how she would troubleshoot the problem. Don’t panic next think physical check and see If the cords are plugged in. Check connection to internet. Try restarting.
How active are you on TeamSpeak? I don't use TeamSpeak but I would gladly download it if that's what I need to do, duty calls ;)
I can spend as much time on here as I can do on there. I have been staffing on servers for about 2 years. I do believe the servers I have worked for has potential but not enough to make me stay. I go on some random servers and just help out if needed. I enforce the rules as much as I can and hopefully, they listen. I try to make a fun way of getting them to follow the rules and normally it works. I have had my own server before. It got about 20 people. I ended it because I didn't think I would get enough donations to keep it up. I monitored the community about 5-6 hours a day and I would stay on until everyone got off.
(Especially Factions). People use autosoup, forcefield, and knockback, which is unfortunate and unfair towards a lot of the players on the server who play clean. Everyone would enjoy the server more if it was played the way it should be. I will help people who try to scam, or trickery by using mischievous chat such as /pay [name] -[amount]. We all know that does not deduct money from one's account, but a little kid may want to fall for it. That may provide him/her with a bad experience on the server. With me as a Helper or other staff member, I can help clean up the server, answer questions, give info, and even build. (If you ever need a builder)