1 CS 480 Lab #4 Due 12/1/13 In this lab, you will build a GUI that allows a user to make a rental car reservation. The GUI should look similar to what is shown below. It need not be exactly the same, but try to have the “general “ look be the same: The UI works as follows: 1. The customer fills in the form (with the exception of the rental amount which is automatically calculated). 2. When the customer clicks the Submit button, the UI should extract the data from the UI, instantiate a Reservation object containing the data, compute the cost of the reservation and update the Rental Amount textfield, and store the newly created Reservation object in an ArrayList of Reservations 3. When the new Reservation object is created in step #2, it should …show more content…
Instead, create a class RentalCharges which will have symbolic constants for this data. If the prices change, none of the UI code will need to be changed. Only the RentalCharges class will need to be modified. Coding in this manner improves the maintainability of your code. It also reduces the likelihood of bugs being introduced when the prices change – because the price information will be stored in only one place (no need to change multiple pieces of code or look through lots of code to try to find where the prices have been hardcoded). Break your GUI into multiple JPanel classes. This allows you to instantiate one of your panels and add it to a JFrame to test it. Once you have all the panels working, you can combine them together to create a more complex UI. Start by creating a program that creates an empty window Next, write a class for one of your sub-panels. Then instantiate the sub-panel and add it to your JFrame for testing. Repeat this for your other sub-panels. At least one of your JPanels will need access to the array list of Reservations. Instantiate the ArrayList object in your main() function and pass it to any JPanels that require it (i.e., pass to
User Interfaces: Describe the interface for data collection and notification to store personnel and customers.
The church required that the workstations be replaced as they are no longer supported by the hardware manufacturer. The workstations operating Windows XP can no longer receive a software patch and are no longer supported by Microsoft. These workstation are extremely vulnerable to attack. Wireless connectivity through the church campus was a requirement as the church was to be able to access information from multiple locations. Setting up hardware to maintain and secure all data and information. The sponsor liked our team’s suggestion to migrate them from a peer to peer network environment to a server domain environment. With all of these upgrades and updates, network security needed to be addressed so the installation and setup of a firewall became a requirement. The
Having secure mobile and IP address to it is one of the major important factors as to avoid hacking data. (VoIP) is majorly defined as the ability for faxing, phone calls etc. There is also a need of scalable support over IP which routes and optimizes the mobile needs over secured IP and its protocols. There are also communication insecurity in terms of protection. Some of them are protocol errors, cryptographic errors and implementation errors
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of your choice to one of the other managed care organizations.
Authorization is the act of checking to determine if a user has the proper permission to access a file or perform an action, after the user has properly identified themselves through authentication (Username/Password). Authorization is provided to users based on a job requirement or a need to know that allows them to access the required material. Authorization is usually determined when a user first gains access to a system but may change over time. If a change occurs that requires more or less authorization for a particular employee, the concerned supervisor should contact the appropriate authority to make the change.
1. The program will present a series of user screens that prompts the user for specified input.
The plywood panels will form the outer and inner shell of the mini bar. Assembling the panels Lay 1x4" rails around the perimeter and vertically every 12-or-so inches on one of the pieces of plywood for
I copied and pasted a screenshot for your reference. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Let me first thank you for providing the pictures. They helped out a lot.I can replace the solar panel for you. I have a few questions for you.
In this lab the goal was to set up a Windows Server 2012 server and install AD, DNS, and DHCP on it. We were also tasked with disabling DHCP on the RHEL7 box so that it would not interfere with DHCP running on the Windows Server. We then had to go through and set the named service on RHEL to be a slave of DNS running on our Windows Server box.
|Due dates for outstanding rentals; do you envision this as showing just dates or also balances due? |
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tzyJEwO9Os - This video teaches me the basics of CSS which could be useful as some tasks may need alteration to HTML elements to create style
•Design and build a graphical representation of a Web-based input for making a hotel reservation, using Visio or PowerPoint or an equivalent.
After this, you need to create new files in your code editor and save them for the time being for further editing. Don't make any silly experiment here.
Alternatively, you can also select one of the built-in text boxes that have predefined colors, fonts, positions, and sizes. If you choose this option, the text box will appear automatically, so you will not need to draw it.