
Nt1310 Unit 4

Decent Essays

1.The product must have a Graphical user interface with drop down menus
1.1. Each drop down menu must be a labeled a food group
1.1.2. Inside each drop down their must be labeled buttons to select the food in the current food group When the user selects food from the given list with multiple brands, the system must prompt the user for a brand As food is selected by the user from this list the system must place it in the online shopping cart
2. When the user presses the check out button the system must compute the prices of the items from the local stores in the area and display the results to the user
2.1. The system must display the cheapest to the most expensive stores that carry all the products the user wants
2.2. The system must display the phone …show more content…

The system must provide directions to the store that is selected
2.3.1. The system must be linked with google maps API to give directions to the store
2.4. The system must provide the hours for the selected store
2.5. The user may remove items from the shopping cart at any point in the check out process
2.5.1. The system must re-compute and redisplay the results when an item is removed
3. The user must be able to enter a zip code to reduce their data usage and to narrow results to provide more accurate information
4. The user must be able to search and enter coupons for a product to reduce the price of the groceries in their shopping cart
4.1. The user may take a picture of the coupon to enter it in the system 4.1.1. The system must load the coupon into it database if the coupon is not stored in the database already 4.2. The user may enter the coupon data manually into the system
4.2.1. The system must store new coupons in the coupon database if the coupon is not already stored in the database
4.3. The system must delete outdated coupons from the database
5. The system must be able to compute the prices and find stores in less than ten seconds when the user presses

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